It is a well-known game, simon, which depends on memorizing the sequence of tones and colours.
This is the project that I have learnt on a Udemy course of Angela Yu, The Complete Web Development Bootcamp. I have learnt the basics of the game and how to code it on the course, and then I decided to improve it so that it will be a game played with everyone around me. I am improving this little fun game at the same time improving myself in web developing.
I wanted to share this project, and I will add more features to this project so that it will be fun for me to learn and for you to play!
How to play page is added to the game in the last version. Let me explain the game here also.
The game creates a series of tones and lights and requires a user to repeat the sequence. If the user succeeds, the series becomes progressively longer and more complex. Once the user fails, the game is over.PLAY:
For More Info about the Game (how to play, history of the game, etc.), click here