This repository contains implementation of data structures in C language
- Linkedlist Implementation
- Sorting - Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort
- Hashing - Open Hashing - Separate Chaining
- Binary Tree - Creating Binary Tree, Preorder Inorder, Inorder and Post Order Traversing - Recursively and Iteratively, Number of nodes and height of binary tree
Compilation: Use any gcc compiler or IDE, link and compile these source files. It will compile without any compilation errors. I have compiled and tested these code on Visual Studio 2019.
Resources to master data structures and algorithms:
- Coding the cracking Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.
- Data Structures Through C in Depth by Deepali Srivastava and Suresh Kumar Srivastava.
If you found any bug or have optimized solution for the above solutions, please reach me at [email protected] or DM me on