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Using Dandere2x CLI Features

Tyler edited this page Feb 22, 2020 · 1 revision


Dandere2x is allowed to be ran either through a GUI or a CLI, and both are compiled and included within each binary release.

Step 1: Open CMD Via Command Prompt as Administrator

Dandere2x requires adminstraotr privalges to be run properly. In order to start CMD w/ administrator permissions, right click the executable and 'run as administrator'.


Step 2: Change Directory to Dandere2x's executable location.

This can be done by typing

cd < your directory here >

Into the terminal, and pressing enter.

Step 3: Viewing Dandere2x's CLI commands.

By default, typing


Into terminal will prompt the GUI. In order to view Dandere2x's CLI commands, type

main.exe -h

Note: This will take a while due to the size of the executable.

Example: Upscaling a Folder Using CLI

An example command to upscale a folder would be:

main.exe -i C:\Users\windwoz\Desktop\dandere2x_build_folder\1.8_release\workspace\multiple_videos -o C:\Users\windwoz\Desktop\dandere2x_build_folder\1.8_release\workspace\output -b 30 -q 85

To upscale a single video, one could type

main.exe -i C:\Users\windwoz\Desktop\dandere2x_build_folder\1.8_release\workspace\yn_moving.mkv -o C:\Users\windwoz\Desktop\dandere2x_build_folder\1.8_release\workspace\output.mkv -b 30 -q 85