Inspired by damsma/rest980-domoticz this is plugin to control iRobot based on koalazak/rest980.
Use instruction from the koalazak/rest980 repository. Install, run and test it, in case of any problems refere to rest980 help.
In case that docker doesn't work add port binding at container creation
At the day I'm writting this README pull request isn't marged yet. But you can download, update required fields and have you docker builded automatically. Refere to README update in that commit.
Install plugin in python plugins directory for domoticz.
git clone
Restart domoticz.
Go to Setup -> Hardware -> Type -> iRobot based on rest980 -> Fill options -> Add
Name is just for domoticz db - Devices names will be updated with iRobot name. IP and PORT - are parameters to connect with rest980 Display battery status - will update Devices names with baterry charge value at the end of the name. Debug - in case of any problem try to rise log level.