Shamir's secrets sharing scheme CLI that uses rust Nebulosus/shamir library.
This project has been created to replace the use of ssss command in shamir ISO project.
This command is organised in two subcommands: one to split a secret in shares and another one to combine the shares to recover the secret. Both commands accept the secret/shares from command arguments or from stdin.
Currently the project is only released as an x86_64 binary that you can download from releases.
Example of splitting a secret in 4 shares with a threshold of 2:
$ ssss-rs split -t2 -s4 -i "this is my secret"
Example for combining the shares in previous split:
$ ssss-rs combine - << EOF
Recovered key: this is my secret
Recovered key in base64: dGhpcyBpcyBteSBzZWNyZXQ=
Error decoding key to hex (expected for non hexadecimal keys): OddLength
BIP39 words list generation skipped
You can pass -s
to output just the key (useful for use with scripts):
$ ssss-rs combine -s 0275f6b1188aeff8025ec31447f508acc57a 04764fc2a56f7e7e640b16481b5eb5d53e68
this is my secret