This repository containts a minimalistic Tensorflow (re-)re-implementation highly inspired to Karpathy's minGPT Pytorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT.
This code is intended for research and educative purposes, and should be treaded accordingly.
- gpt/ contains the actual model implementation (gpt/ and the code for running trainings (gpt/
# Clone the repo.
git clone
cd gpt-mini
# Make a python environment.
# eg. conda, pyenv
# Prepare pip.
# conda install pip
pip install --upgrade pip
# Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Example python notebooks can be found in the main directory. We currently provide play_text.ipynb to train (both token- and char-level) GPT to learn generate text from text provided as input. Check also train_tokenizer.ipynb that shows how to train an Huggingface Tokenizer on your own data. Also, we provide play_image.ipynb to train the model to generate cifar-10 images in an auto-regressive (pixel-level) fashion.
import tensorflow as tf
from gpt.modeling import (GPT1Config, GPT)
from gpt.trainer import (TrainerConfig, Trainer)
class MyDataset(
def _gen_examples_from(
data: tf.Tensor, ...
def _gen():
for example in data:
yield ...
return _gen
def __new__(
cls, inputs: tf.Tensor, block_size: int, batch_size: int, ...
dataset = (
cls._gen_examples_from(data=inputs, ...),
tf.TensorSpec(shape=(block_size,), dtype=tf.int32),
tf.TensorSpec(shape=(block_size,), dtype=tf.int32))
.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
return dataset
config = GPT1Config(
vocab_size=128, block_size=1024,
n_layer=3, n_head=3, n_embd=48
tconf = TrainerConfig(
max_epochs=3, batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.003,
do_lr_decay=False, warmup_ratio=0.1, cosine_decay_alpha=0.0, weight_decay=0.0,
total_number_optimization_steps=total_number_optimization_steps, log_every_steps=10,
ckpt_path='./logs', trial_id='my_trial_id'
model = GPT(config)
trainer = Trainer(
model, dataset, total_number_optimization_steps, config=tconf