- Packages are downloaded during the docker image build
- GPG keys for signature may be generated during the docker image build or existing ones are used
- Nginx blacklist support at runtime
The main difference with the upstream repo is packages saved inside a docker image. During the image building /opt/update_mirror_ubuntu.sh is called to create mirrors, update them, merge all in one snapshot and publish it. By default, a new GPG key is generated for making a signature for repo.
There are two modes: filtered build that fetches only packages specified in assets/packages and unfiltered build that fetches all packages. The filtered build is used by default.
To fetch all packages the following command can be used:
git clone https://github.com/urpylka/docker-aptly.git
docker build docker-aptly --build-arg MODE=all
By default GPG key for making package signature are generated during the build. You may configure GPG key params via build arguments: FULL_NAME, EMAIL_ADDRESS, and GPG_PASSWORD, like:
docker build docker-aptly \
--build-arg FULL_NAME="First Last" \
--build-arg EMAIL_ADDRESS="[email protected]" \
--build-arg GPG_PASSWORD="PickAPassword"
If you have a GPG key already you can put private and public key in assets/gpg dir. Keys must have special names: aptly.sec and aptly.pub For example:
cp <my private key> docker-aptly/assets/gpg/aptly.sec
cp <my public key> docker-aptly/assets/gpg/aptly.pub
docker build docker-aptly \
--build-arg GPG_PASSWORD="GPG passphrase for my private key"
To use the Nginx blacklist feature a volume with Nginx config has to be mounted at runtime. By default, the following keywords are blocked: telnet, ftp. If no volume is mounted then no blacklist will be used.
docker run \
--name aptly \
--detach \
--publish 8080:80 \
--volume $(pwd)/assets/nginx:/opt/nginx \
For additional docs see https://github.com/amadev/docker-aptly
- Copyright 2018 Artem B. Smirnov
- Copyright 2016 Bryan J. Hong
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0