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I am responsible for the development of the hospital's electronic medical record form system and the electronicization of medical records.
At the same time, the electronic form system is also applied to the development of electronic consent forms.
I developed an independent signing station system that allows patients to sign the consent form by themselves at any time.
On mobile devices, outpatient, inpatient, emergency, and registration counters are also designed to allow counter staff to interact with mobile devices using desktop computers to assist patients in signing consent forms at the counter.
I also developed a hospitalization course recording system, which records almost all the patient's information during hospitalization.
I developed a drawing module that can be used by various systems in the hospital, including the functions of taking pictures and uploading images from imaging equipment.
I have established a voice function, which is currently used in the operating room and mobile devices. I am currently recording the voice recording of the first aid process.