The OnTheMap App was developed as part of the Udacity iOSDeveloper nanodegree program to allow users to share their locations and a link of their choosing with other users of the app.
- authenticates users by having them log in to their Udacity accounts
- provides a link on login screen to sign up for Udacity Account
- presents a tabbed view showing user locations as pins on a map, and next to names in a table
- tapping a pin on the map or in the table opens a detail view showing the URL of the link provided by the selected user
- tapping a link will open it in Safari if it is a valid URL or notify the user if not
- allows user to describe their location with a text string which will be geocoded by the app and shown on a map
- allows user to provide a link (this should be a valid URL) to associate with their pin
- if a user with an existing pin attempts to create a new pin they are asked whether to overwrite it or cancel