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sc-eQTLGen Consortium WG3: single cell- and pseudobulk-DEA

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sc-eQTLGen WG3 pipeline (II): sc- and pseudobulk-differential expression analysis

We provide two main scripts to perform differential expression analysis (DEA) with different conditions, such as human phenotypes (e.g., sex or age) or stimulation conditions, using single-cell RNA-seq data (scRNA-seq) (i.e., 10x Genomics) at two different levels:

  1. single-cell level (sc-DEA): using the MAST glmer implementation.
  2. pseudobulk level (pseudobulk-DEA): using the dreamlet glmer implementation.

Of note:

  • These analyses are meant to be run on scRNA-seq data composed by only one sample per donor. Some considerations:
  1. If you have biological replicates (e.g., stimulated vs. non-stimulated samples from the same donor, etc...), you will have to modify some configuration files (,
  2. If you have technical replicates, we will only select the sample with the largest number of cells.
  • In these analyses, we are only using European individuals and non-stimulated samples, which have been previously selected in WG3 (I) pipeline.

  • To run these scripts you should have successfully run the following sc-eQTLGen consortium pipelines: WG1, WG2 and WG3 (I)


If you have any questions or issues, feel free to open an issue or directly email Aida Ripoll-Cladellas ([email protected])

Required Software

R >=4.1.2 version: You need to install the packages loaded in the:

  • Two main DEA scripts: sc-DEA and pseudobulk-DEA.
  • Additional scripts in the scripts directory (which contain the functions called in the three main DEA scripts).

Required Input

This section explains the input data and its structure to run the two main scripts: sc-DEA, pseudobulk-DEA.

Of note:

  • To follow better the explanations in the Required Input section, you can clone this repository and change your current working directory.
git clone
cd wg3-sc_pseudobulk_DEA

Test Data

We have provided some testing inputs in the input directory that contains the B cells outputs (Azimuth's level 1) from WG3 (I) pipeline.

Of note:

  • These files have been anonymized and they are significantly down-sized and sub-sampled versions of the whole B cells outputs from WG3 (I). The total number of cells is 663 from 40 donors, and the number of genes is 100.

  • Here is the structure of the testing input directory. This directory should have the same structure as the WG3 (I) pipeline output directory. We will need only the following files since the other ones will be specifically used for the eQTL calling pipeline in the WG3 (II):


|-- L1
|   |-- B.Qced.Normalized.SCs.Rds 
|   |-- B.qtlInput.Pcs.txt
|-- smf.txt

Required Data


|-- input
|   |-- L1
|   |   |-- B.Qced.Normalized.SCs.Rds 
|   |   |-- B.qtlInput.Pcs.txt
|   |-- smf.txt

1. Main inputs: input/

  1. Sampling matching file (smf.txt).

  2. L1 (or L2) directory: A directory for each Azimuth's level with the main outputs per cell type from WG3 (I):

  • ${cell_type}.Qced.Normalized.SCs.Rds: QC-filtered Seurat object
  • ${cell_type}.qtlInput.Pcs.txt: Sample's PCs

2. DEA covariates files: sc-DEA ( and pseudobulk-DEA (

A priori, these files should not be modified. Each tsv file has:

  • 1st column (covariate): Covariates included in the model
  • 2nd column (type): Fixed/random effect
  • 3rd column (class): Categorical (factor) or quantitative (integer, double)

Of note:

  • Tab separated.
  • The values of the 1st column (covariate) should be the same as the ones in the metadata from the QC-filtered Seurat object
  • This file must have this header.
  • The covariates files provided for testing have the following structure:

2.1. sc-DEA (

covariate type class
SEX fixed factor
age fixed integer
Donor random factor
Pool random factor

2.2. pseudobulk-DEA (

covariate type class
SEX fixed factor
age fixed integer
Pool random factor

Running the sc/pseudobulk-DEA

Of note:

  • If you have not done it yet, the first step would be to clone* this repository and change your current working directory.
git clone
cd wg3-sc_pseudobulk_DEA
  • These analyses are meant to be run on scRNA-seq data composed by only one sample per donor. Some considerations:
  1. If you have biological replicates (e.g., stimulated vs. non-stimulated samples from the same donor, etc...), you will have to modify some configuration files (,
  2. If you have technical replicates, we will only select the sample with the largest number of cells.
  • In these analyses, we are only using European individuals and non-stimulated samples, which have been previously selected in WG3 (I) pipeline.

  • The functions called in the sc/pseudobulk-DEA scripts (sc-DEA, pseudobulk-DEA are defined in the additional scripts.

Running the sc-DEA script

1. Set common environment variables:

cell_level=L1 #default
phenotype=SEX #or age
input_directory=input #default
output_directory=scDEA_MAST_glmer #default

2. Running the sc-DEA:

Rscript scDEA_MAST_glmer.R -l $cell_level -c $cell_type -v $phenotype -i $input_directory -o $output_directory

Of note:

  • If you are using the WG3 singularity image, you should set another common environment variable: covariates_file=/tools/wg3-sc_pseudobulk_DEA/ and run sc-DEA as:
Rscript scDEA_MAST_glmer.R -l $cell_level -c $cell_type -v $phenotype --covariates $covariates_file -i $input_directory -o $output_directory

The output directory (scDEA_MAST_glmer/) has the following structure:

|-- SEX
|   |-- B
|       |-- de_glmer_nagq0.degs.rds
|       |-- de_glmer_nagq0.rds
|       |-- pbmc_sca.rds
|       |-- pbmc_sca_raw.rds
|       |-- pbmc_so.rds
|-- age
    |-- B
        |-- de_glmer_nagq0.degs.rds
        |-- de_glmer_nagq0.rds
        |-- pbmc_sca.rds
        |-- pbmc_sca_raw.rds
        |-- pbmc_so.rds

Of note:

  • You should run the sc-DEA per each combination of Azimuth's cell level - cell type - phenotype:
    • Azimuth's cell level (-l): L1 or L2.
    • Cell type (-c): L1 and L2 cell types.
    • Phenotype (-v): SEX and age.

3. Additional parameters:

  • If your dataset contains data from more than one study that has been previously merged into one QC-filtered Seurat object, you should set the argument --combined_data TRUE to control for the differences between studies.

  • If your dataset contains data from more than one genetic ancestry, you should set the argument --genoPC1 TRUE to control for the differences between ancestries.

Running the pseudobulk-DEA script

1. Set common environment variables:

cell_level=L1 #default
input_directory=input #default
output_directory=pseudobulkDEA_dreamlet #default

2. Running the pseudobulk-DEA:

Rscript pseudobulkDEA_dreamlet.R -l $cell_level -c $cell_type -i $input_directory -o $output_directory

Of note:

  • If you are using the WG3 singularity image, you should set another common environment variable: covariates_file=/tools/wg3-sc_pseudobulk_DEA/ and run pseudobulk-DEA as:
Rscript pseudobulkDEA_dreamlet.R -l $cell_level -c $cell_type --covariates $covariates_file -i $input_directory -o $output_directory

The output directory (pseudobulkDEA_dreamlet/) has the following structure:

|   |-- B
|        |-- SEX
|            |-- plotVolcano.png
|            |-- plotGeneHeatmap.png
|            |-- plotPercentBars.png
|            |-- plotVarPart.png
|        |-- age
|            |-- plotVolcano.png
|            |-- plotGeneHeatmap.png
|            |-- plotPercentBars.png
|            |-- plotVarPart.png
|    |-- plotVoom.png
|    |-- dea_vp_topTable.rds

Of note:

  • You should run the pseudobulk-DEA per each combination of Azimuth's cell level - cell type:

    • Azimuth's cell level (-l): L1 or L2.
    • Cell type (-c): L1 and L2 cell types.
  • This script is running both a pseudobulk-DEA and a VariancePartition analysis. However, some of the outputs will only be generated if we find differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (FDR<=0.05) with each condition (plotGeneHeatmap.png, plotPercentBars.png, and plotVarPart.png).

  • It runs the pseudobulk-DEA on the 'fixed' variables in

3. Additional parameters:

  • If your dataset contains data from more than one study that has been previously merged into one QC-filtered Seurat object, you should set the argument --combined_data TRUE to control for the differences between studies.

  • If your dataset contains data from more than one genetic ancestry, you should set the argument --genoPC1 TRUE to control for the differences between ancestries.

  • If you do not want to estimate the variance of your batch variable (Pool), you can set the argument --vp_reduced TRUE. The structure of the output directory will be the same as the previous one but it will have a subdirectory called 'vp_reduced'.

Running time and memory requirements

  • sc-DEA, pseudobulk-DEA: To speed up the running time and improve the memory requirements of these three main scripts, we recommend to submit each of the commands of the sections 'Running the sc-DEA script' and 'Running the pseudobulk-DEA script' as an independent job on your HPC infrastructure (i.e., run each job as an element of a job array). In the case of the sc-DEA, each job will be defined by the combination of: Azimuth's cell level - cell type - phenotype. In the case of the pseudobulk-DEA, each job will be defined by the combination of: Azimuth's cell level - cell type.

  • The HPC resources for the major Azimuth's l1 cell type (CD4 T cells) in the V2 unstimulated data from Oelen et al, 2022, which is composed by 72 individuals and 33,505 cells, using the defined SLURM's sbatch parameters (--nodes=1, --ntasks=1, --cpus-per-task=48, --tasks-per-node=1) in MareNostrum 4, where each node has 48 cores of 1.880GB/core, were:

  1. sc-DEA:
  • testing SEX: Elapsed (05:17:54), MaxRSS (19690752K) and CPUTime (10-14:19:12)
  • testing age: Elapsed (05:17:42), MaxRSS (19191280K) and CPUTime (10-14:09:36)
  1. pseudobulk-DEA:
  • testing SEX and age (in the same script): Elapsed (00:19:35), MaxRSS (3467004K) and CPUTime (15:40:00)


sc-eQTLGen Consortium WG3: single cell- and pseudobulk-DEA






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