The marketing site for the lipstick killers band
- brew - follow instructions on that website
- hugo:
brew install hugo
- nodejs:
brew install node
- yarn:
npm install -g yarn
- ftp:
brew install inetutils
# insert your own path here instead of path/to/this/repo
cd path/to/this/repo
yarn # this installs the deps
This will start a server so you can see it on your local machine. Any changes you make will trigger the site to reload with those changes.
hugo server -D --disableFastRender
# Then go to http://localhost:1313
hugo # this builds your site in the 'public' directory
cd public
# then run a server eg:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# Then go to http://localhost:8000
- firebase-tools:
yarn global add firebase-tools
- Reduce size of the image - esp for mobile
- Tickets
- media player