ENL_Optical_Sim for Studies of light detectors [[email protected], [email protected]]
- Download the VMWare Geant4.11.0.0 from https://heberge.lp2ib.in2p3.fr/G4VM/index.html
- Copy all the files from ENL_Optical_Simulation folder (https://github.com/ahuber33/ENL_Optical_Simulation)
- If you want to have a visualization, launch this command : "./ENLOpticalSim [name of ROOT file ]". It will generate 1 particle according to the vis.mac with QT and you will have a ROOT file with the name you gave in response located in the Resultats folder.
- If you want to have statistics without the visualization, use this command : "./ENLOpticalSim [name of ROOT file] [number of events generated] [name of macro]". Personnaly, I used the vrml.mac but you can create another one. Just to remember that you need to write the name of your macro when you launch the simulation.
- If you want to change the geometry (HPD to PMT or something else), you just need to choose the correct geometryfile.cc in the CMakeLists.cc. Don't forget to comment the other one.
- You can change the lighyield in the Materials.cfg located in the bin folder without re-compile the code.
#- For information :