Read Swedish news from SVT Text in the terminal. Using the SVT Text API (
Interactive mode with colors
$ svttext --colors --interactive
Find the binary for your OS under releases. Download and run the binary in your terminal of choice.
$ svttext --help
Usage: svttext [OPTION]... [PAGE]
Read news from SVT Text
Example: svttext --colors 100
colorize the output
start interactive mode
use arrow keys to navigate pages
or enter page number to go to page
prints svttext version
Make an alias if you like. Bash example, place in your .bashrc:
alias svt="svttext --colors --interactive"
- Add SVT logo? The "TV" version have a logo at the start page. Maybe add this as ascii art?
- Release using homebrew tap?
- Sign releases?
- Make release, github action
- Colorize output, add flag
- Interactive mode, add a flag
and don't exit the cli instead give options like enter new page, navigate with arrow keys, vi key binding etc.