Shell scripts for installing ROS2 Dashing on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Bionic. Includes Gazebo installation.
- Download Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Server from Ubuntu website.
- Install Ubuntu Server (you can click through the installation).
- Download this repo with
git clone
. - Enter the repo
cd ros-setup-scripts
. - Setup permissions
chmod +x ./install
. - Run installation
. - To enter desktop environment start X server
. - Setting up xfce theming may require re-running the script after entering gui.
After typing following commands you should see a simple robot moving.
gazebo --verbose /opt/ros/dashing/share/gazebo_plugins/worlds/
.ros2 topic pub /demo/cmd_demo geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: 1.0}}' -1
When extending the setup please put packages in according files:
- desktop environment related packages.pkglist-gazebo
- gazebo related packages.pkglist-ros
- ROS related packages.pkglist-rosdeps
- ROS dependencies and ros projects related packages.replist-de
- additional repos related to desktop environment.requirements.txt
- pip modules.