This challenge is part of the hiring process at PNNL. The idea is to make as much progress possible in 20 minutes or less.
Your building the latest and greatest movie watching app. There has never been anything as great as this will be!!!
You sit down at your workstation and your manager pings you. They say you need to write a critical piece of the application. And oh yeah, it is due two days ago!!!
GIVEN a customer loads the application
THEN they see a list of movies to watch
AND movies in their **watch list**
GIVEN a customer loads the application
AND there are **no movies** in their watch list
THEN they see a **message** to entice them to add some.
GIVEN a customer is in the **Now Playing** section
WHEN they hover over a movie
THEN they see a button with the icon **+** and label **Watch List**
AND if they **click** it
THEN add the movie to their watch list.
GIVEN a customer is in their **Watch List**
WHEN they hover over a movie
THEN they see a with the icon **-** and label **Watch List**
AND if they **click** it
THEN remove the movie from their watch list.
This technical challenge has comments in it to help you get through it. The emoji characters are here to help you.
- Bossy Nerd 🤓 - Tells you when something specific needs to happen.
- Hundo the Challenger 💯 - Gives you extra optional challenges.
- Peter the Jugglin' Manager - 🤹 - Helps us know what our customers want.
- Dockie 📜 - Provides you with help links to documentation.
- Doh-bert 🤦 - Helps us know when we forgot something.