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TypeORM + NestJS API Template

Conventional Commits styled with prettier

Tech Stack

  • NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
  • TypeORM - An ORM that can run many platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript.
  • Jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
  • Husky - Git hooks made easy dog woof!
  • ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
  • Prettier - An opinionated code formatter.
  • Lint Staged - Run linters on git staged files.
  • CommitLint - Lint commit messages.


  • Volta* (node, npm, and yarn version manager)

* Optional dependency, alternatives: n or nvm

Optional Development Prerequisites

Install the following dependencies:

  • Docker Desktop (An one-click-install application that enables you to build and share containerized applications and microservices.)
  • Docker Compose (Plugin for running multi-container Docker applications)

Then create a docker.env file with the following values:


Finally, run docker containers from docker-compose.yml file with docker-compose up -d command or run it with Docker Desktop.

Getting Started

Enviroment config

Create a copy of .env.example with the name .env and .env.test.example with the name .env.test and placed it at the root of the project

  cp .env.example .env
  cp .env.test.example .env.test

Replace its values with your own credentials.

Install Dependencies

Run the following commands to install all dependencies:

  volta install node
  volta install yarn

Development server

Run yarn start:dev to start a development server that watch for changes. For a debug server use: yarn start:debug

Running unit tests

Run yarn test to execute the unit tests via Jest. For coverage test use: yarn test:cov

Build for production

Run yarn build to compile for production, this will execute prebuild and postbuild commands automatically. Then run yarn start:prod to start a production server.

Scripts API Reference


Script Description
yarn start Start server (without watch)
yarn start:dev Start development server
yarn start:debug Start debug development server
yarn start:prod Start production server
yarn pm2 Run production server as Cluster with PM2
yarn pm2:restart Reload API with PM2
yarn pm2:stop Stop PM2 service
yarn pm2:logs View PM2 logs


Script Description
yarn prebuild Clean dist folder
yarn build Build project

Lint & Format

Script Description
yarn format Format files with Prettier
yarn lint Lint files with ESLint


Script Description
yarn test Run test (without watch)
yarn test:watch Run test and watch
yarn test:cov Run coverage test
yarn test:e2e Run end-to-end tests
yarn test:debug Debug tests


Script Description
yarn typeorm Access to TypeORM CLI commands.
yarn migrations Applies all pending migrations, and creates the database if it does not exist.
yarn migrations:create Creates a new migration file.
yarn migrations:test Run migrations for test
yarn migrations:revert Revert migrations in DB
yarn migrations:revert:test Revert migrations in test DB
yarn migrations:generate Generate a migration from existing table schema and entities
yarn seeds Polulate DB with seed data

For more information on TypeORM, read the official documentation


Script Description
docker-compose up -d Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.