1. User should be able to review existing Challenges
2. User should be able to view details of each challenge that he/she interact in
3. User should be able to login and authenticate by the system
4. User should be able to create a challenge
5. Friend selection (most likely using facebook)
6. Sending the challenge to selected friend.
1. User receives the challenge when he/she logins the home-screen.
2. User should be able to receive push notification for the challenge, if user is logged in.
3. Display all received challenges
4. Display the detail of the challenge with "accept" and "reject"
5. “Accept" => receiver performs the action, e.g. dressed up accordingly, take the photo and send it back to sender. If sender accepts the results, then sender will make the payment.
6. “Reject" => user does the payment.
- User should able to send payment and accept payment