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vignette updates based on gpt report submission with internal review
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JaneSullivan-NOAA committed Sep 6, 2024
1 parent a18b93c commit ab68dfa
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Showing 2 changed files with 191 additions and 120 deletions.
111 changes: 91 additions & 20 deletions inst/example_scripts/ex5_model_validation.R
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Expand Up @@ -99,10 +99,12 @@ sim_test <- function(mod_name, replicates, cpue) {

# storage things
re_est <- matrix(NA, replicates, length(mod_name$par)) # parameter estimates
grad <- matrix(NA, replicates, length(mod_name$par)) # gradients

# go through the model
suppressMessages(for(i in 1:replicates) {

# i = 10; mod_name = thrn_mod; cpue = TRUE
sim <- mod_name$simulate(complete = TRUE) # simulates the data

# simulated biomass observations:
Expand All @@ -125,60 +127,81 @@ sim_test <- function(mod_name, replicates, cpue) {
if (cpue) {newinput$data$obsvec <- c(t(sim$log_biomass_obs)[!$log_biomass_obs))], t(sim$log_cpue_obs)[!$log_cpue_obs))])}

# refit model
mod_new <- fit_rema(newinput, do.sdrep = FALSE)
mod_new <- fit_rema(newinput, do.sdrep = TRUE)

# add parameter estimates to matrix
if(mod_new$opt$convergence == 0) {
re_est[i, ] <- mod_new$env$last.par[1:length(mod_name$par)]
re_est[i, ] <- mod_new$env$[1:length(mod_name$par)]
} else {
re_est[i, ] <- rep(NA, length(mod_name$par))
grad[i, ] <- mod_new$final_gradient


re_est <-; re_est$type <- rep("recovered")
grad <-

return(list(est = re_est, grad = grad))


# run for pcod and prep data frame
# run simulation testing
par_ests <- sim_test(mod_name = pcod_mod, replicates = 500, cpue = FALSE)
pcod_sim <- sim_test(mod_name = pcod_mod, replicates = 500, cpue = FALSE)
par_ests <- pcod_sim$est; pcod_grad <- pcod_sim$grad
# get data frame with simulation values for each parameter
n_not_converged_pcod <- length(which([,1]))); n_pcod <- length(par_ests[,1])
prop_converged_pcod <- 1-n_not_converged_pcod/n_pcod

mod_par_ests <- data.frame("log_PE1" = pcod_mod$env$last.par[1],
mod_par_ests <- data.frame("log_PE1" = pcod_mod$env$[1],
type = "model")
names(par_ests) <- names(mod_par_ests) # rename for ease
pcod_par_ests <- rbind(mod_par_ests, par_ests) # recovered and model in one data frame
pcod_par_ests$sp <- rep("AI Pcod")
names(pcod_grad) <- names(pcod_par_ests)[1]

# run for thorny and prep data frame -- same process
# run simulation testing
par_ests <- sim_test(mod_name = thrn_mod, replicates = 500, cpue = TRUE) # note some warnings
thrn_sim <- sim_test(mod_name = thrn_mod, replicates = 500, cpue = TRUE) # note some warnings
par_ests <- thrn_sim$est; thrn_grad <- thrn_sim$grad
# sometimes spits out: In stats::nlminb(model$par, model$fn, model$gr, control =
# list(iter.max = 1000,...: NA/NaN function evaluation
n_not_converged_thrn <- length(which([,1]))); n_thrn <- length(par_ests[,1])
prop_converged_thrn <- 1-n_not_converged_thrn/n_thrn
# get data frame with simulation values for each parameter
mod_par_ests <- data.frame("log_PE1" = thrn_mod$env$last.par[1],
"log_PE2" = thrn_mod$env$last.par[2],
"log_PE3" = thrn_mod$env$last.par[3],
"log_q" = thrn_mod$env$last.par[4],
"log_tau_biomass" = thrn_mod$env$last.par[5],
"log_tau_cpue" = thrn_mod$env$last.par[6],
mod_par_ests <- data.frame("log_PE1" = thrn_mod$env$[1],
"log_PE2" = thrn_mod$env$[2],
"log_PE3" = thrn_mod$env$[3],
"log_q" = thrn_mod$env$[4],
"log_tau_biomass" = thrn_mod$env$[5],
"log_tau_cpue" = thrn_mod$env$[6],
type = "model")
names(par_ests) <- names(mod_par_ests) # rename for ease
thrn_par_ests <- rbind(mod_par_ests, par_ests) # recovered and model parameters in one data frame
thrn_par_ests$sp <- rep("GOA Thornyhead")
names(thrn_grad) <- names(thrn_par_ests)[1:6]

# reogranize data
pcod_sim <- pcod_par_ests %>% pivot_longer(1, names_to = "parameter")
thrn_sim <- thrn_par_ests %>% pivot_longer(1:6, names_to = "parameter")
sim_dat <- rbind(pcod_sim, thrn_sim)
pcod_grad <- pcod_grad %>% pivot_longer(1, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "gradient") %>%
mutate(high = ifelse(gradient > 1e-5, TRUE, FALSE))
thrn_grad <- thrn_grad %>% pivot_longer(1:6, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "gradient") %>%
mutate(high = ifelse(gradient > 1e-35, TRUE, FALSE))
grad_dat <- rbind(pcod_grad,# %>% mutate(sp = "AI Pcod"),
thrn_grad) %>% # %>% mutate(sp = "GOA Thornyhead")) %>%
select(-high,-parameter)# %>% mutate(type = 'recovered')
sim_dat %>%
filter(type == "recovered") %>%
bind_cols(grad_dat) %>%
bind_rows(sim_dat %>% filter(type == "model")) %>%
filter( | value < -9) %>%
mutate(absgradient = abs(gradient)) %>%
arrange(gradient) #%>% View

# Relative Error: ((om-em)/om)
sim_re <- sim_dat %>%
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,13 +305,56 @@ mcmc_comp <- function(mod_name, it_numb, chain_numb) {

# run models
pcod_comp <- mcmc_comp(mod_name = pcod_mod, it_numb = 5000, chain_numb = 3)
thrn_comp_log_tau <- mcmc_comp(mod_name = thrn_mod, it_numb = 5000, chain_numb = 3) # running low bc consistently fails test

p1_mcmc_pcod <- rstan::traceplot(pcod_comp[[3]]) + ggtitle(label = "Traceplots to assess mixing across Markov chains and convergence", subtitle = "AI Pcod")
pcod_comp <- mcmc_comp(mod_name = pcod_mod, it_numb = 1000, chain_numb = 3)
thrn_comp_log_tau <- mcmc_comp(mod_name = thrn_mod, it_numb = 5000, chain_numb = 3) # running slow bc of convergence issues

# parameter summary table - compare the marginal max likelihood estimates (MMLE)
# with the mcmc estimates. Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split
# chains (at convergence, Rhat=1)
m <- summary(pcod_comp[[3]])$summary[1, c(6,4,8,10), drop = FALSE]
psum <- data.frame(Stock = 'AI Pcod', Model = 'MCMC_Laplace', FixedEffect = row.names(m), m, row.names = NULL)
m <- summary(pcod_comp[[4]])$summary[1, c(6,4,8,10), drop = FALSE]
psum <- psum %>% bind_rows(data.frame(Stock = 'AI Pcod', Model = 'MCMC_withoutLaplace', FixedEffect = row.names(m), m, row.names = NULL))
m <- summary(thrn_comp_log_tau[[3]])$summary[1:6, c(6,4,8,10), drop = FALSE]
psum <- psum %>% bind_rows(data.frame(Stock = 'GOA Thornyhead', Model = 'MCMC_Laplace', FixedEffect = row.names(m), m, row.names = NULL))
m <- summary(thrn_comp_log_tau[[4]])$summary[1:6, c(6,4,8,10), drop = FALSE]
psum <- psum %>% bind_rows(data.frame(Stock = 'GOA Thornyhead', Model = 'MCMC_withoutLaplace', FixedEffect = row.names(m), m, row.names = NULL))
pars <- as.list(pcod_mod$sdrep, "Est")$log_PE
sd <- as.list(pcod_mod$sdrep, "Std")$log_PE
psum <- psum %>% bind_rows(data.frame(Stock = 'AI Pcod', Model = 'Base_MMLE_Laplace', FixedEffect = "log_PE",
X50. = pars, X2.5. = pars-1.96*sd, X97.5. = pars+1.96*sd, Rhat = NA))
pars <- unlist(as.list(thrn_mod$sdrep, "Est"))
pars <- pars[names(pars)[grepl("log_PE|log_q|log_tau", names(pars))]]
sd <- unlist(as.list(thrn_mod$sdrep, "Std"))
sd <- sd[names(sd)[grepl("log_PE|log_q|log_tau", names(sd))]]
psum <- psum %>% bind_rows(data.frame(Stock = 'GOA Thornyhead', Model = 'Base_MMLE_Laplace', FixedEffect = rownames(summary(thrn_comp_log_tau[[3]])$summary[1:6,,drop=FALSE]),
X50. = pars, sd = sd, row.names = NULL) %>%
mutate(X2.5. = X50.-1.96*sd,
X97.5. = X50.+1.96*sd,
Rhat = NA) %>%
write.csv(psum, 'inst/example_data/ex4vignette_param_table.csv')
psum <- read.csv('inst/example_data/ex4vignette_param_table.csv')
psum <- psum %>%
mutate(`Estimate (95% CI)` = ifelse(X50. > -1e3,
# parameter table formatting: estimate (lci, uci)
paste0(formatC(X50., format="f", big.mark=",", digits=2), " (",
formatC(X2.5., format="f", big.mark=",", digits=2), ", ",
formatC(X97.5., format="f", big.mark=",", digits=2), ")"),
# if estimates are really small
# (approaching 0 when exponentiated), use
# scientific notation for the table
paste0(formatC(X50., big.mark=",", digits=3), " (",
formatC(X2.5., big.mark=",", digits=3), ", ",
formatC(X97.5., big.mark=",", digits=3), ")")),
Rhat = formatC(Rhat, format="f", digits=3)) %>%
select(Stock, FixedEffect, Model, `Estimate (95% CI)`, Rhat) %>%
arrange(Stock, FixedEffect, Model)

p1_mcmc_pcod <- rstan::traceplot(pcod_comp[[3]]) + ggtitle(label = "Traceplots to assess mixing across Markov chains", subtitle = "AI Pcod")
p1_mcmc_thrn <- rstan::traceplot(thrn_comp_log_tau[[3]], ncol = 3) + ggtitle(label = NULL, subtitle = "GOA Thornyhead")
cowplot::plot_grid(p1_mcmc_pcod, p1_mcmc_thrn, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1,1.5))
ggsave(paste0("vignettes/ex4_traceplots.png"), width = 11, height = 8, units = "in", bg = "white")
ggsave(paste0("vignettes/ex4_traceplots.png"), width = 8, height = 8, units = "in", bg = "white")

p2_mcmc_thrn <- bayesplot::mcmc_pairs(thrn_comp_log_tau[[3]],
off_diag_args = list(size = 0.8, alpha = 1/5),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,16 +389,21 @@ plot_laplace_mcmc <- function(qq_dat, plot_title) {
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col = "lightgray") +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~par_name, scales = "free", nrow = 2, dir = "v") +
labs(x = "MCMC", y = "Laplace approx.", title = plot_title) +
labs(x = "MCMC", y = "MCMC with Laplace", title = plot_title) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text = element_text(size = 7),
axis.title = element_text(size = 11),
strip.text = element_text(size = 11))
p1 <- plot_laplace_mcmc(pcod_qq, "AI Pcod")
ggsave(paste0("vignettes/ex4_mcmc_pcod_qq.png"), width = 3, height = 3, units = "in", bg = "white")
p2 <- plot_laplace_mcmc(thrn_qq, "GOA Thornyhead")
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, rel_widths = c(0.4,0.6), ncol = 2)
ggsave(paste0("vignettes/ex4_mcmc_qq.png"), width = 11, height = 7, units = "in", bg = "white")
ggsave(paste0("vignettes/ex4_mcmc_thrn_qq.png"), width = 7.5, height = 5, units = "in", bg = "white")

# cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, rel_widths = c(0.4,0.6), ncol = 2)
# ggsave(paste0("vignettes/ex4_mcmc_qq.png"), width = 11, height = 7, units = "in", bg = "white")

# OSAs -----

Expand Down

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