S3SS is a deployment helper. It allows synchronization to the cloud of a local directory of static files to be used as a website behind a Cloudfront distribution (CDN). If the S3 bucket does not exist for the account with the given S3 credentials, then it tries to create it (will fail on creating duplicate bucket name). It will also set it up for CORS uploads. When creating the bucket it enables it to work as an S3 website. If the bucket already exists, then it ensures that it is set up to work as an S3 website. It will search for a cloudfront distribution that already exists for the given bucket (based on distribution origins), if it does not find one then it will set one up to work with the given/created S3 bucket. Make sure to read the Notes section at the bottom...
Can be used as a CLI tool or node module. When used from CLI you must specify the -r
- Install Node.js. Consider using NVM to do this.
- Open a terminal window, clone the repo and navigate to the project directory.
- Execute the command
npm install
to install all package dependencies. - Run
node ./
to begin synchronization.
Command line options:
- -r, -run -- Run from the command line. Must be present to other CLI options to function. No (value) required
- -c, -config (value) -- Relative (or absolute) config file path to override/extend defaults from
. See config below - -b, -bucket (value) -- The S3 bucket to use. Overrides config file bucket value if provided
- -ld, -localDir (value) -- The local folder to sync. Overrides config file value
npm install s3-site-sync
// Make sure the module is installed via NPMnode s3-site-sync -r -c ./my-config.js
// Run S3SS with the config file in the current directory calledmy-config.js
var s3ss = require('s3-site-sync');
var sync = new s3ss.Sync(require('my-config');
// Wheremy-config
points to your site sync configuration filesync.then(function(result) {console.log('results:', results);})
returns a promise containing operation results:results.bucket
// The S3 bucket informationresults.bucketWebsite
// The S3 bucket website configuration (if enabled)results.cloudfrontDistribution
// The cloudfront distribution configuration (if enabled)results.uploadedFiles
// The files uploaded to cloudfront. NOTE: Experimental, may not necessarily contain all files uploaded
- The sync functionality looks for an existing cloudfront distribution with an origin domain (
config.cloudfrontDistribution .DistributionConfig.Origins.Items.X.DomainName
to equal the bucket website URL - iemybucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
). If one exists then it will use the existing distribution without modification to any settings. If it does not exist, then it will be created and configured to work with an angular type application. ? - If you want to point you website at the cloudfront distribution, make sure to set the
in your config accordingly. NOTE: Any aliases specified cannot exist in another distribution or it will throw an error back from AWS. - If you wish to use SSL, make sure to set the
in your config accordingly - This "should" work with any AWS region, but only tested with 'us-east-1'
- Check out the commented note below on
in the configuration!
Example (default) config.js file for angular website:
localDir: '../../_public',
deleteRemoved: true,
ensureBucketWebsite: true,
bucketWebsite: {
IndexDocument: {Suffix: 'index.html'},
ErrorDocument: {Key: 'index.html'},
RoutingRules: [{
Condition: {HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: '404'},
Redirect: {
HostName: null, // will be filled in pragmatically, or you can override with your config.js
ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: '#!/'
s3Options: {
ALC: 'public-read',
Bucket: 'mybucket',
accessKeyId: 'myAccessKey',
secretAccessKey: 'mySecretAccessKey',
region: 'us-east-1',
// Will upload files to the given prefix within the S3 bucket. Will also configure the cloudfront distribution "OriginPath" to this
// value. Enables creating a "fresh" set of website files for each deployment within a single bucket!
Prefix: ''
ensureDistribution: true,
cloudfrontDistribution: {
DistributionConfig: {
Comment: 'Created by s3-site-sync', /* required */
DefaultCacheBehavior: { /* required */
ForwardedValues: { /* required */
Cookies: { /* required */
Forward: 'none' // /*, // required (none | whitelist | all) */
/*WhitelistedNames: { // optional
Quantity: 0, /!* required *!/
Items: [
'STRING_VALUE' /!* more items *!/
QueryString: true /*, // required (true | false) */
/*Headers: { //optionsl
Quantity: 0 /!*, // required *!/
/!*Items: [
/!* more items *!/
MinTTL: 0, /* required */
TargetOriginId: 'Custom-mybucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com', /* required, leave blank -- filled in
pragmatically */
TrustedSigners: { /* required */
Enabled: false, /* required (true || false) */
Quantity: 0, /* required */
Items: [/* 'STRING_VALUE', 'more_items' */]
ViewerProtocolPolicy: 'redirect-to-https', /* required (allow-all | https-only | redirect-to-https) */
AllowedMethods: {
Quantity: 3, /* required */
Items: ['HEAD', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'], /* required (GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | PATCH | OPTIONS | DELETE) */
CachedMethods: {
Quantity: 3, /* required */
Items: ['HEAD', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'] /* required (GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | PATCH | OPTIONS | DELETE) */
/*DefaultTTL: 0,
MaxTTL: 0, */
SmoothStreaming: false // (true || false)
Enabled: true, /* required (true || false) */
Origins: { /* required */
Quantity: 1, /* required */
Items: [
DomainName: 'mybucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com', /* required -- filled by module */
Id: 'Custom-mybucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com', /* required -- filled by module */
CustomOriginConfig: {
HTTPPort: 80, /* required */
HTTPSPort: 443, /* required */
OriginProtocolPolicy: 'http-only' /* required (http-only | match-viewer) NOTE: HTTPS will NOT work w/ S3 bucket
//, OriginPath: 'STRING_VALUE', // Needed if not root path
/*S3OriginConfig: { // Needed if private S3 bucket/objects
OriginAccessIdentity: 'STRING_VALUE' /!* required *!/
Aliases: { // Provide in imported config if desired, necessary if pointing CNAME/etc records to cloudfront
Quantity: 0, /* required */
Items: [ /* 'STRING_VALUE', 'another_value' */ ]
CacheBehaviors: {
Quantity: 0, /* required */
Items: [
ForwardedValues: {
/!* required *!/
Cookies: {
/!* required *!/
Forward: 'none | whitelist | all', /!* required *!/
WhitelistedNames: {
Quantity: 0, /!* required *!/
Items: [
/!* more items *!/
QueryString: true || false, /!* required *!/
Headers: {
Quantity: 0, /!* required *!/
Items: [
/!* more items *!/
MinTTL: 0, /!* required *!/
PathPattern: 'STRING_VALUE', /!* required *!/
TargetOriginId: 'STRING_VALUE', /!* required *!/
TrustedSigners: {
/!* required *!/
Enabled: true || false, /!* required *!/
Quantity: 0, /!* required *!/
Items: [
/!* more items *!/
ViewerProtocolPolicy: 'allow-all | https-only | redirect-to-https', /!* required *!/
AllowedMethods: {
Items: [/!* required *!/
/!* more items *!/
Quantity: 0, /!* required *!/
CachedMethods: {
Items: [/!* required *!/
/!* more items *!/
Quantity: 0 /!* required *!/
DefaultTTL: 0,
MaxTTL: 0,
SmoothStreaming: true || false
}*/ /* more items */
CustomErrorResponses: {
Quantity: 0, /* required */
Items: [
ErrorCode: 0, /!* required *!/
ErrorCachingMinTTL: 0,
ResponseCode: 'STRING_VALUE',
ResponsePagePath: 'STRING_VALUE'
}*/ /* more items */
DefaultRootObject: 'index.html',
/*Logging: {
Bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', /!* required *!/
Enabled: true || false, /!* required *!/
IncludeCookies: true || false, /!* required *!/
Prefix: 'STRING_VALUE' /!* required *!/
PriceClass: 'PriceClass_100', // USA/Europe (PriceClass_100 | PriceClass_200 | PriceClass_All)
Restrictions: {
GeoRestriction: { /* required */
Quantity: 0, /* required */
RestrictionType: 'none', /* required (blacklist | whitelist | none) */
Items: [/* 'STRING_VALUE', more items */]
ViewerCertificate: {
CloudFrontDefaultCertificate: false // (true || false) -- provide in imported config if desired
// IAMCertificateId: 'iamCertId', // Your IAM SSL Certificate ID
// MinimumProtocolVersion: 'TLSv1', // 'SSLv3 | TLSv1',
// SSLSupportMethod: 'sni-only' // (sni-only | vip) -- VIP cost $$!!