1.0.0 (2022-12-02)
Bug Fixes
- Add issuance description, fix API url (b0d15ac)
- axios error checking (ebb50fd)
- consistent variables (c28b263)
- Create new file if language is unsupported; show error if there are no issuances (596548e)
- file structure changes (4a1d923)
- fix packaje.json translations (36a00f3)
- Fix schema manager search issues (e1d18f4)
- fix schema name (59cef59)
- fix schema open command (e867545)
- FTL-7609: sign out race condition and sign in error messages (4ebb249)
- FTL-7788: refresh tree if there is no session (#3) (8bcd9f0)
- merge main (a6818b2)
- moved explorer provider file (1587994)
- remove
from treeItem (6e7f29a) - remove command from palette (12d6751)
- remove type assertions (b37916f)
- removed aws sam dependency (5d690b6)
- removed delay (5c36528)
- removed dragdrop, addItems functions (0778439)
- removed hardcoded value (5deff0a)
- schema details command (#16) (14f77d5)
- set active project process (#9) (0625a66)
- Sign In by default (1965db8)
- tweak console output (6117492)
- [FTL-7511] - Extension - View My Schemas in Tree View (Explorer) (134e07c)
- [FTL-7632] - [Ext] Show only authored Schemas (5f12d7d)
- [FTL-7657] - [Ext] Sign Up (5b60c6c)
- [FTL-7728] - [Ext] Trigger Reference App generation via CLI (bedb403)
- [FTL-7798] - [Ext] Localization (fa1dcc2)
- [FTL-7842] - state storage proposal (e4d0d4e)
- [FTL-8013] - Add missing tests (#30) (68fea41)
- [FTL-8013] - Add missing tests (#35) (d3eafe9)
- [FTL-8015] - Moved projects data to state (#5) (804ddaf)
- [FTL-8015] - Moved schemas/issuances data to state (#13) (b4f9541)
- [FTL-8232] - Add action buttons to issuances and projects (#24) (2337055)
- add husky (#25) (953f39b)
- add tests for create project (ea01ef4)
- added initial snippets for offers and issuances (aa3b26a)
- added parents to tree items (b57f1dd)
- added snippets for typescript (4a57697)
- auth and structure improvements (8b880b3)
- changes to publish to marketplace (3a19af8)
- created schema layout (0304f73)
- draft1-authentication-provider (a66cec5)
- dummy refresh command (40429de)
- explorer-tree-view: add projects and digital identities in tree view (c7e4c65)
- explorer-tree-view: add projects and digital identities in tree view (63d6413)
- FTL-7506: Create a Walkthrough for creating a Certification & Verification ready app (#21) (484c063)
- FTL-7507: session handling in explorer tree (a2bcce3)
- FTL-7512: add issuances to explorer (c4de124)
- FTL-7513a: MR comment update (cb8402a)
- FTL-7513a: rebasing (404a3a3)
- FTL-7513a: small change (ec7e7ed)
- FTL-7513a: small change (9e3e7f3)
- FTL-7513a: small change (67606f0)
- FTL-7513a: viewProperties for Issuance (b522586)
- FTL-7514: add view properties for schema (fd977fd)
- FTL-7515: show schema files in context menu (5607556)
- FTL-7516: add context menu command view properties (f6af5d0)
- FTL-7516: add view properties in context menu and display project details (1e26eaa)
- FTL-7516: remove redundant function (0e1f432)
- FTL-7519: add markdown for schema Manager About Page (aac1782)
- FTL-7520: added about page to the context menu for Issuances root (63b3f62)
- FTL-7535: Added copy schema urls to context menu (d293ddd)
- FTL-7535: changed explorers command categories to explorer (748e98f)
- FTL-7535: changed explorers command categories to explorer (cefc445)
- FTL-7535: changed naming (3acfaeb)
- FTL-7535: merged origin main (3380fe5)
- FTL-7535: removed empty line (64d3dec)
- FTL-7535: removed unused param (09c1cb2)
- FTL-7535: used metadata (358ac2f)
- FTL-7543: First implementation of codegen (Send a VC offer to an email) (e3029b3)
- FTL-7601: create project (a1b6138)
- FTL-7602: added console UI links (42d180a)
- FTL-7608: initiate new session(login) user when cookie expires (01693ff)
- FTL-7628: add context menu items for code generation (f319334)
- FTL-7631: checked that CLI is installed (820449d)
- FTL-7633: send events to analytics for commands & snippets (6926a1b)
- FTL-7634: Add basic integration tests for authentication process (9a3fdda)
- FTL-7661: create snippet for sign credentials with cloud wallet (238db3d)
- FTL-7663: Add snippets/code gen commands to side bar (dec0239)
- FTL-7726: file based auth storage (acab585)
- FTL-7727: Use @affinidi/client-* for using Affinidi's APIs & improvements (e4beaf7)
- FTL-7756: send additional metadata in events sent to analytics (11bfbbd)
- FTL-7771: send event when the extension is initialized (5c52922)
- FTL-7797: updating endpoints to prod (c3af15d)
- FTL-7824: check if user agrees to send telemetry (04dc372)
- FTL-7825: improved code gen view (328aa4a)
- FTL-7906: Independent tree providers for features (#12) (bd8ae8e)
- FTL-7907: updated files for lint errors (b3b2e4e)
- FTL-7907: updated prettier and eslint configs (9f009d8)
- FTL-7909: Schema Builder & minor improvements (#23) (406d5c8)
- FTL-7917: redirect to github (#10) (aa44bff)
- FTL-7967: set active project in CLI before generate app (#1) (b902e76)
- FTL-8002: Provide credential subject with exact fields for selected Schema (#14) (64e7741)
- FTL-8006: refactoring translations, messages and error messages across the extension (#27) (ddcedf1)
- FTL-8017: added windows platform to test stage for github actions (#19) (583525a)
- FTL-8017: added workflow call option to github actions (#31) (2a1cc6e)
- FTL-8017: arranged github action files (#34) (79d7113)
- FTL-8017: arranged the main yaml (#32) (2856700)
- FTL-8017: arranged the main yaml (#33) (39f876d)
- FTL-8017: changed build yaml (#37) (e7ebb54)
- FTL-8017: changed build yaml (#38) (6461420)
- FTL-8017: changed build yaml (#40) (fb083ad)
- FTL-8017: ci file added (#17) (08cf03b)
- FTL-8017: renamed the github actions (#36) (53f873a)
- FTL-8082: CSV validation messages rendering in 'affinidi' output (#4) (dd8ebfd)
- FTL-8104: detect external changes to config (#7) (e819a7d)
- housekeeping: State management re-iteration (#28) (5f8327d)
- polishing and security issues (a6df09a)
- README.md updated with prerequisites (13a85cf)
- refactor code (d4dcfa1)
- refactor code (45151f7)
- Snippet generation improvements (fc9c94c)
- update projectId and apiKeyHash from projectSummary (722690d)
- updated structure & auth commands skeleton (a998b7c)
- updates (0e8b9df)
- updating-csv-validation-messages: updating validation messages for issuance creation from CSV upload (#8) (d73140c)