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Introduction simplifies Zabbix monitoring of Aerospike clusters.

The Zabbix plug-in is compatible with Aerospike database 4.x and Aerospike database 5, last tested with database server versions 4.9.9 and 5.1.0.

Aerospike Monitoring Stack

For monitoring and alerting you should consider using the Prometheus and Grafana based Aerospike Monitoring Stack. This is the monitoring solution being developed by Aerospike.

Community Development

This repository has been turned over to the community. If you wish to contribute code, go ahead and clone this repo, modify the code, and create a pull request.

Active contributors can then ask to become maintainers for the repo. The wiki can similarly be modified by any code contributor who has been granted pull permissions.


  • Can monitor any metric returned by
    • $ asinfo -v 'statistics' [-h <HOST>]
    • $ asinfo -v 'namespace/<NAMESPACE_NAME>' [-h host]
    • $ asinfo -v 'dc/<DC_NAME>' [-h host] pre 5.0
    • $ asinfo -v 'get-stats:context=xdr;dc=<DC_NAME>' [-h host] 5.0+
    • $ asinfo -v 'latency:' [-h host] pre 5.1
    • $ asinfo -v 'latencies:' [-h host] 5.1+
    • $ asinfo -v 'sets/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/<SET_NAME>' [-h host]
    • $ asinfo -v 'sindex/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/<SINDEX_NAME>' [-h host]
    • $ asinfo -v 'bins/<NAMESPACE_NAME>' [-h host]

Known Issues

  • Metrics that return values other than numerics, true/false, on/off are not handled with the exception of dc_state (pre 5.0). All values returned are numeric.
  • The example template shows some errors in the zabbix UI caused by returned configuration paramaters which are not converted to numeric.
  • SELinux (CentOS) interferes with simple net checks built into Zabbix.
    • Get around this by setting SELinux to disabled or permissive in /etc/selinux.config


Additional python modules are required and installed using pip:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

See requirements.txt.

Installing Zabbix

Many popular distributions have Zabbix packages provided. You can follow along with their official install documentation or use a third party guide like the one written by Digital Ocean.

Note: Zabbix 4.4+ needed. Older versions may not be able to import aerospike template.

Getting Started

  1. Enable external scripts for Zabbix Server. You may have already done this for other Zabbix plugins. Default: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
  2. Copy to the external scripts directory and make it executable
  • ie: chmod +x
  1. Copy ssl folder to same external scripts directory.
  2. Restart/Reload Zabbix.
  3. In Configuration -> Templates section of Zabbix, click Import and choose aerospike_templates.xml.
  4. Add the newly imported Template App Aerospike Service to your Aerospike Hosts.

Default Checks

The default template contains checks for testing and requires modification to monitor your aerospike configuration. To modify the default template goto Configuration -> Templates, and click on the Discovery section of Template App Aerospike Service. Click on any of the Discovery Rules and change the key so that the arguments to match your current namespaces, sets, datacenters, etc. For instance to monitor all metrics for the namespace fizzbuzz change the Aerospike Namespace discovery rule key to:


Aerospike Zabbix Plugin

See, this is the executable that Zabbix will schedule to perform queries against Aerospike. Other than copying it to the appropriate location, you are not required to interact with it.

Alert Triggers

The default template has 5 example triggers: free memory/disk, stop_writes, cluster_size, dc_state (pre 5.0) and latency_ms (5.0+). The free memory/disk trigger uses a template macro {$ASD_FREE_PCT_LIMIT} to determine when to trigger while the others use static values. Each trigger should be modified to fit your particular aerospike configuration.

To add more alerts via the LLD discovery mechanism, you will need to define a new Discovery Rule. This discovery rule will need to duplicate the existing discovery key, with the added exception of a unique dummy variable. This is used since the same key cannot be used for multiple discovery rules or item prototype. You will also need to add a macro filter to this discovery rule to filter down the results to your interested metrics.

Next create a new item prototype which is a duplicate of the existing item prototype, with the added exception of a different key. You can change the name as well if your prefer.

Next you will need to create a new trigger prototype using the item prototype that was just created.

You can still define individual alert triggers outside of the LLD mechanism.


./ --help
usage: [-u] [-U USER] [-P [PASSWORD]]
                              [--credentials-file CREDENTIALS]
                              [--auth-mode AUTH_MODE] [-v]
                              [-n NAMESPACE | -l | -x DC]
                              [-t SET | -b | -i SINDEX] [-s STAT] [-p PORT]
                              [-h HOST] [-d DUMMY] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                              [--tls-enable] [--tls-name TLS_NAME]
                              [--tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE]
                              [--tls-keyfile-pw TLS_KEYFILE_PW]
                              [--tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE]
                              [--tls-cafile TLS_CAFILE]
                              [--tls-capath TLS_CAPATH]
                              [--tls-ciphers TLS_CIPHERS]
                              [--tls-protocols TLS_PROTOCOLS]
                              [--tls-cert-blacklist TLS_CERT_BLACKLIST]
                              [--tls-crl-check] [--tls-crl-check-all]

optional arguments:
  -u, --usage, --help   Show this help message and exit
  -U USER, --user USER  user name
  -P [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
  --credentials-file CREDENTIALS
                        Path to the credentials file. Use this in place of
                        --user and --password.
  --auth-mode AUTH_MODE
                        Authentication mode. Values: ['EXTERNAL_INSECURE',
                        'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL'] (default: INTERNAL)
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose logging
  -n NAMESPACE, --namespace NAMESPACE
                        Namespace name. eg: bar
  -l, --latency         Options: see output of asinfo -v 'latency:hist' -l
  -x DC, --xdr DC       Datacenter name. eg: myDC1
  -t SET, --set SET     Set name. eg: testSet. Statistic for a particular set
                        in a particular namespace.
  -b, --bin             Bin usage information for a particular namspace.
  -i SINDEX, --sindex SINDEX
                        Secondary Index name. eg: age. Statistic for a
                        particular secondary index in a particular namespace.
  -s STAT, --stat STAT  Statistic name. eg: cluster_size
  -p PORT, ---port PORT
                        PORT for Aerospike server (default: 3000)
  -h HOST, --host HOST  HOST for Aerospike server (default:
  -d DUMMY              Dummy variable for templating
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Set timeout value in seconds to node level operations.
                        TLS connection does not support timeout. (default: 5)
  --tls-enable          Enable TLS
  --tls-name TLS_NAME   The expected name on the server side certificate
  --tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE
                        The private keyfile for your client TLS Cert
  --tls-keyfile-pw TLS_KEYFILE_PW
                        Password to load protected tls-keyfile
  --tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE
                        The client TLS cert
  --tls-cafile TLS_CAFILE
                        The CA for the server's certificate
  --tls-capath TLS_CAPATH
                        The path to a directory containing CA certs and/or
  --tls-ciphers TLS_CIPHERS
                        Ciphers to include. See
                        an1.1.0/man1/ciphers.html for cipher list format
  --tls-protocols TLS_PROTOCOLS
                        The TLS protocol to use. Available choices: TLSv1,
                        TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, all. An optional + or - can be
                        appended before the protocol to indicate specific
                        inclusion or exclusion.
  --tls-cert-blacklist TLS_CERT_BLACKLIST
                        Blacklist including serial number of certs to revoke
  --tls-crl-check       Checks SSL/TLS certs against vendor's Certificate
                        Revocation Lists for revoked certificates. CRLs are
                        found in path specified by --tls-capath. Checks the
                        leaf certificates only
  --tls-crl-check-all   Check on all entries within the CRL chain

The dummy variable is just there so Alert Triggers can be set in batches based on item prototypes. However the item prototype needs to have unique keys (read: unique external script calls) so the dummy variable is there to satisfy this uniqueness.


To monitor all general metrics: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST

To monitor a specific general metric: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -s YOUR_METRIC_NAME 

To monitor all latency metrics: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -l

To monitor a specific latency metric: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -l -s YOUR_HISTOGRAM
  • For instance, to monitor latencies greater than 8ms for histogram {test}-write: -h -l -s {test}-write-8ms

To monitor all metrics in a namespace: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE

To monitor a specific metric in a namespace: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -s YOUR_METRIC_NAME 

To monitor all metrics in a set: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -t YOUR_SET_NAME

To monitor a specific metric in a set: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -t YOUR_SET_NAME -s YOUR_METRIC_NAME

To monitor all bin metrics in a namespace: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -b

To monitor a specific bin metrics in a namespace: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -b -s YOUR_METRIC_NAME

To monitor all sIndex metrics for a sIndex in a namespace: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -i YOUR_SINDEX

To monitor a specific sIndex metric for a sIndex in a namespace: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -i YOUR_SINDEX -s YOUR_METRIC_NAME

To monitor all XDR metrics for a datacenter: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -x YOUR_DATACENTER

To monitor a specific XDR metric for a datacenter: -h YOUR_ASD_HOST -x YOUR_DATACENTER -s METRIC_NAME 


You can specify User and Password for authentication via the -U/--user and -P/--password parameters. The Password is also an interactive prompt if you leave it empty.

If this is not preferable, you can also specify a credentials file with -c/--credentials-file. It is a simple 2 line file, with the username and password on each line, in that order. With this method, the credentials file can be secured via other means (eg: chmod 600) and prevent snooping.

AuthMode is optional parameter to specify authentication mode. It's default value is INTERNAL.