A deep learning framework for forensic sex estimation from 3D CT
Step 1:
git clone https://github.com/aehrc/ForensicSexEstimation.git cd ForensicSexEstimation pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 2: Manually install TotalSegmentator. please use the v2.0.5 release:
Please place your raw dicom CT data in the folder ./Cranial CT data/CT dicom data
Converting dcm file into nifti, isotropic resampling to 1X1X1mm, skull segmentation via TotalSegmentator, skull region extraction
cd ./run python3.9 run_preprocessing.py
The preprocessed images will be save into ./Cranial CT data/Cranial CT nifti isotropic crop, and the preprocessed skull masks will be saved into ./Cranial CT data/Cranial CT isotropic segmentations crop
The training/validation(5-fold cross-validation) and testing partition need to be specified in the ./data_partition/Case_partition.xlsx file.
python3.9 train.py --mdl_type [model_type] --input_mode [input_mode]
The model_type and input_mode variables can be selected as shown in the table below. After training, the models can be found under folder ForensicSexEstimation.
Model Type | Model Type Explanation | Input Mode | Input Mode Explanation |
ResNet_two_output | Model generates Walker scores and forensic sex sequentially. | image | Use image as input. |
image_skull | Use both image and the skull mask as input in 2 channels. | ||
skull | Use the intersection of image and skull mask (image ∩ skull mask) as input. | ||
ResNet_auxiliary | Model architecture with auxiliary tasks to estimate both Walker scores and forensic sex. | image | |
image_skull | |||
skull | |||
ResNet_single_output | Model only generates forensic sex estimation. | image | |
image_skull | |||
skull |
- For information on the Walker scores, please refer to:
@article{walker2008sexing, title={Sexing skulls using discriminant function analysis of visually assessed traits}, author={Walker, Phillip L}, journal={American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists}, volume={136}, number={1}, pages={39--50}, year={2008}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }
After training completed and before testing, the probability thresholds need to be determinded on the validation set.
cd ./run python3.9 evaluate.py --mdl_type [model_type] --input_mode [input_mode]
- Generating test outcomes
cd ./run python3.9 test.py --mdl_type [model_type] --input_mode [input_mode]
- Calculate testing performance
python3.9 calculate_test_performance.py --mdl_type [model_type] --input_mode [input_mode]
The sex estimation results for the testing data can be found under the 'test' folder in the model folders.
Trained weights (ResNet_model_weights.zip ) are available for image ∩ skull mask as input at: https://github.com/aehrc/ForensicSexEstimation/releases/tag/Weights.
Please place the model folders under folder ForensicSexEstimation.
Two sample images can be found in /Cranial CT data/sample_data, which have been preprocessed and only include the skull region. The forensic sex for these two cases are case 1: F(female) and case 2: M(male).
To test sex estimation prediction on these two sample images, please use:
cd ./run python3.9 Test_sample_data.py --mdl_type [model_type]