This is Mélitte, a toy implementation of Martin-Löf Type Theory (MLTT) written in the OCaml language.
To compile Mélitte, you need a working OCaml development environment and some libraries. The easiest and cleanest way to install them is to create a local OPAM switch. The repository provides a script to do so.
$ ./
$ dune build
(The script also installs Tuareg and Merlin for developer convenience.)
Some example programs to exercise the type-checker can be found in the
test directory. Run them using dune test
Mélitte is strongly inspired from existing tutorial implementation of dependent type theory. Here are the ones I looked at:
Andràs Kovàcs' elaboration zoo.
Daniel Gratzer's Normalization-by-Evaluation for MLTT.
Jon Sterling's DreamTT.
- inductive types (W-types, a universe of descriptions à la McBride-Dagand?)
- universe of definitionally-irrelevant propositions
- explicit telescopes as arguments of pi and sigma
- built-in non-dependent arrow and product types for better printing
- basic module system
- minimalistic Emacs mode with basic interaction facilities
- unification facilities for metavariables and implicit arguments