A tiny golang application simulating a microservice. It
- listens for HTTP POST inbound connections
- connects to other named microservices specified on the command line
- sends messages with size specified on the command line
- maintains a user defined CPU and memory load
- logs sent and received through Zipkin
go get -u
make microservice
Usage of ./micro-sock:
-name string
service name
-zipkin string
zipkin address (addrs:port) -- default
-msg-size uint
average size of all messages outgoing -- default:256
-load float64
average CPU load per request being processing -- default 10% of CPU
-msg-time uint
average time to process an incoming message -- default 10ms
-mem uint
minimum memory used by the microservice -- default 128MB
The following example will start a microservice and attempt to connect to a different instance of micro-sock "test-host". In this case, zipkin is on host "zipkin"
./microservice -name=micro -zipkin=zipkin:9411 test-host
docker-compose -f zipkin_docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.custom.yml
To exercise all endpoints:
curl -I -XPOST localhost:8080/
or to exercise few endpoints at random
curl -I -XPOST localhost:8080/random