#Project Tin Can Prototypes ###Contact:
###This package contains server and client prototypes for the Tin Can API.
- Client prototypes (see ClientPrototypes/index.html for details)
- GolfExample_TCAPI : a converted SCORM course
- JsTetris_TCAPI : Tetris
- Locator_TCAPI : a location based activity
- TinCanViewer : basic, and activity-specific reporting
- LRS server prototype -- provides LRS functionality, except as described in known issues section
##Client Samples Installation
Place the ClientPrototypes folder on a web server, and note the URL to ClientPrototypes/index.html. This is the url you will launch in your browser to run the client prototypes.
##LRS (Learning Record Store) Installation ###Prerequisite Installation
- install mongodb (version 2.0.0 or later is required)
- install node.js
- install the following node modules (npm install <module>)
- async
- mongodb (this is the node driver for mongodb, and is needed in addition to mongodb itself)
###LRS installation
- Place the LRS folder in the location you want to run the LRS
###Tips for Installation on Windows
- DL and unpack mongo as per current github instructions
- add /bin full path to %Path% env variable
- DL and unpack node as per current github instructions
- add node.exe full path to %Path% env variable
- make folder c:\node_modules
- download async https://github.com/caolan/async
- unpack into c:\node_modules\async
- download mongodb driver https://github.com/christkv/node-mongodb-native
- unpack into c:\node_modules\mongodb
- copy 'ClientPrototypes' folder to web server root (wwwroot for IIS)
- Launch MongoDB
- open cmd line
- Run LRS
- open cmd line
- navigate to /LRS folder in project
node LRS.js
- Launch http://localhost/ClientPrototypes
- By default the LRS runs on port 8080 and is accessable from other machines. If you wish to use a different port, or restrict access to the local machine or a specific IP, edit LRS/config.js.
- Ensure mongo db (mongod) is running. You may simply launch a terminal and run mongod there.
- Launch the lrs. In the directory "TinCan_Prototypes/LRS", type: node lrs.js
- You should see:
- Mongo DB version: 2.0.0
- DB 'local' Initialized
- You should see:
- If you will not be running the prototypes locally on the machine the LRS is installed on, then edit ClientPrototypes/prototypeConfig.js and set PROTOTYPE_ENDPOINT to use hostname and port to reference where you have installed the LRS.
- Verify the LRS endpoint in your browser by navigating to the URL: <endpoint>/statements?limit=1
- You should be prompted to log in, the credentials are: test/password
- You should then see: [] , or JSON of a statement if statements have already been stored for this LRS.
- Launch: ClientPrototypes/index.html (from your web server in your browser, not from the file system)
- LRS only has one login: test/password. It trusts this login to report any statement, about any user.
- Transitive equality of actors is not recognized
- The following API calls/modes are not implemented
- GET http://example.com/TCAPI/Statements/ -- descendants parameter
- POST http://example.com/TCAPI/Statements/ (POST mode of list statements)
- GET http://example.com/TCAPI/activities/<activity ID>/state/<actor>[?since=<timestamp>]
- GET http://example.com/TCAPI/activities/<activity ID>/profile[?since=<timestamp>]
- GET http://example.com/TCAPI/activities/<activity ID>
- GET http://example.com/TCAPI/actors/<actor>/profile[?since=<timestamp>]
- GET http://example.com/TCAPI/actors/<actor>