Clash of Clans is one of the largest mobile games on the App Store with over a million monthly users. This project is meant to provide analytics behind what drives your clan, tracking your clan members's progress over time. This uses the Official Clash of Clans API
You will need some credentials to get started:
- Clash of Clans API KEY
- A mysql database (I use Remote Mysql, which is free)
If you don't use these, you'll need to comment out some code.
This Project is Broken into 2 parts:
1) Clashapp: The backend
2) Webui: The fronend
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
First time:
export PYTHONPATH=~/clash
python3 -m clashapp.db_initializer
Automated cronjob:
export PYTHONPATH=~/clash
python3 -m clashapp.hourly_update
In Production:
chmod +x
In Development:
export PYTHONPATH=~/clash
python3 -m webui.index