This project contains examples to discover the key features of OJAI 2.0 and MapR-DB JSON.
- MapR Converged Data Platform 6.0
- JDK 8
- Maven 3.0
The sample application uses a JSON Table named /demo_table
. Open a terminal window as mapr user and run the following command:
$ maprcli table create -path /demo_table -tabletype json
Optionally you can give access to this table to any user using the following command:
$ maprcli table cf edit -path /demo_table -cfname default -readperm p -writeperm p -traverseperm p
Run the maven command to build the project:
$ mvn clean package
Copy the application jar to your MapR cluster, for example:
$ scp ./target/ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar mapr@mapr60:/home/mapr/
Where mapr60
is one of the node of the MapR cluster.
In a terminal window, connected as mapr user type the following commands to run the various samples
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_001_GetConnectionCreateDocument
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_002_GetStoreAndInsertDocuments
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_003_FindById
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_004_FindAll
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_005_FindAllQuery
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_006_FindQueryWithSelect
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_008_FindQueryWithConditionJson
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_009_FindQueryWithSelectAndCondition
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_010_FindQueryWithOrderBy
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_011_FindQueryWithOrderByLimitOffset
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_012_UpdateDocument
$ java -cp ojai-2-samples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`mapr clientclasspath` com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_013_ReadYourOwnWrite
The following steps are documented for MapR cluster where the secured mode has not been enabled.
1- Create a MapR Client configuration file
Create a file /opt/mapr/conf/mapr-clusters.conf
Add the following configuration of your cluster in the file: secure=false mapr60:7222
is the name of your clustersecure=false
specifies that the cluster secure mode is not enabledmapr60:7222
is the host and port of the CLDB.
2- Change the Table Permission
In the previous step, the Java application is running as mapr
, but when you are running the application from your IDE, the
user that execute the Java application is your own user.
You need to change the permission of the default column family and create the same user id on the cluster to allow the application to be executed from the IDE or Maven.
$ maprcli table cf edit -path /demo_table -cfname default -readperm p -writeperm p -traverseperm p
It is also possible to use MapR Control System to change the permission.
3- Create a user on your cluster
Note : The following step is a known limitation of MapR 6.0 Beta
In addition to this, you also need to create a user with the same login to allow the MapR-DB Query Service powered by Drill.
For example if your desktop user is "jdoe" with the id 501, create the user on your cluster nodes using for example:
# useradd -u 501 jdoe
4- Run the sample applications
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mapr.ojai.examples.OJAI_011_FindQueryWithOrderByLimitOffset"
This project is an example allowing you to understand the key features of OJAI and MapR-DB; the following section explain the main steps to build your own project.
To use OJAI and MapR-DB you must add the MapR Maven Repository and the MapR OJAI Dependencies to your project
MapR Maven Repository
MapR-DB and OJAI Dependencies
1- OJAI Connection
The first thing to do when you want to use MapR-DB is to get an OJAI connection to the cluster using the following code:
// Create an OJAI connection to MapR cluster
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("ojai:mapr:");
This connection will use the MapR Client configuration to connect to the MapR Cluster
2- Access a Document Store
OJAI expose the MapR-DB JSON Tables as a DocumentStore that you get from the Connection object:
// Get an instance of OJAI DocumentStore
DocumentStore store = connection.getStore("/demo_table");
The /demo_table
is a path to a MapR-DB JSON Table that should exist.
3- Create and insert a Document
Use the connection.newDocument()
method to create a new document from a String, Map, Java Bean or JSON Object.
Once the document is created use the 'store.insertOrUpdate()' method, or other, to insert the document in the table.
This project shows the key features of OJAI 2.0 and how you can use the API to work with MapR-DB JSON:
- create and insert document
- update documents
- query document (projection, condition, sort and limit)
You also learned how to configure your development environment to run your MapR-DB/OJAI application from your desktop.