This is a multi-container Slurm cluster using docker-compose. The compose file creates named volumes for persistent storage of MySQL data files as well as Slurm state and log directories.
The compose file will run the following containers:
- mysql
- slurmdbd
- slurmctld
- compute1 (slurmd)
- compute2 (slurmd)
The compose file will create the following named volumes:
- etc_munge ( -> /etc/munge )
- etc_slurm ( -> /etc/slurm )
- slurm_jobdir ( -> /data )
- var_lib_mysql ( -> /var/lib/mysql )
- var_lib_mysql2 ( -> /var/lib/mysql2 )
- var_log_slurm ( -> /var/log/slurm )
Build the image locally:
docker build -t slurm-docker-cluster:20.02.4 .
Build a different version of Slurm using Docker build args and the Slurm Git tag:
docker build --build-arg SLURM_TAG="slurm-19-05-2-1" -t slurm-docker-cluster:19.05.2 .
Note: You will need to update the container image version in docker-compose.yml.
Run docker-compose
to instantiate the cluster:
docker-compose up -d
To register the cluster to the slurmdbd daemon, run the
Note: You may have to wait a few seconds for the cluster daemons to become ready before registering the cluster. Otherwise, you may get an error such as sacctmgr: error: Problem talking to the database: Connection refused.
You can check the status of the cluster by viewing the logs:
docker-compose logs -f
To add users to slurm, so that they can submit jobs, update and run the
Note: You must ensure any new user added to the slurm database already exists in the docker image. This is currently being done through the Dockerfile.
To install environment modules, run the script
. This will install tcl and environment
modules in /data
To install Lmod run the script
. This will install lmod in /data and put necessary
files in /usr/local, /usr/include and /etc/profile.d on the 'login' and compute nodes.
Note: There is an example module file in MPI_Examples. The tcl/lua files need to be placed under /data/modulefiles//
To move source code into the cluster, run the
script. This moves
the folder in MPI_Examples into the container under /data, which is mounted on the 'login'
as well as compute nodes. The default setting is to assign ownership of the folder to root,
however, you can pass an argument to override that
./ user1
To install xalt2, run the script
. This will source and install xalt2 v2.9.8 as well
as create a tcl modulefile for it under /data, that needs to be moved to an appropriate location.
Alternatively, you can target a custom xalt repository/branch/version
./ userjsonindex SCRATCH
Use docker exec
to run a bash shell on the controller container:
docker exec -it slurmctld bash
From the shell, execute slurm commands, for example:
[root@slurmctld /]# su user1
[user1@slurmctld /]$ sinfo
normal* up 5-00:00:00 2 idle compute[1-2]
The slurm_jobdir
named volume is mounted on each Slurm container as /data
Therefore, in order to see job output files while on the controller, change to
the /data
directory when on the slurmctld container and then submit a job:
[root@slurmctld /]# su user1
[user1@slurmctld /]$ cd /data/MPI_Examples/
[user1@slurmctld MPI_Examples]$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 2
[user1@slurmctld MPI_Examples]$ cat slurm-2.out
Hello world from processor compute2, rank 2 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor compute1, rank 1 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor compute2, rank 3 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor compute1, rank 0 out of 4 processors
[user1@slurmctld MPI_Examples]$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 3
[user1@slurmctld MPI_Examples]$ cat slurm-3.out
Hello, World! I am process 2 of 4 on compute2.
Hello, World! I am process 0 of 4 on compute1.
Hello, World! I am process 3 of 4 on compute2.
Hello, World! I am process 1 of 4 on compute1.
docker-compose stop
docker-compose start
To remove all containers, volumes and images, run:
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker volume rm slurm-docker-cluster_etc_munge slurm-docker-cluster_etc_slurm slurm-docker-cluster_slurm_jobdir slurm-docker-cluster_var_lib_mysql slurm-docker-cluster_var_lib_mysql2 slurm-docker-cluster_var_log_slurm
docker rmi slurm-docker-cluster:20.02.4 mysql:5.7
Note: In the last step step substitute the tag you used, if not using the default.