- Using Conda as package manager
- Using Docker Composer
- Django using embeded server
- Postgres
- pgAdmin
- Nginx as web server, reverse proxi, serving static content
- Django container with gunicorn as the app wsgi server
- Postgres
The path to django app files is ./mysite
The initial postgres sql dump should be created using the follosing command and copied in postgres folder(mysite is the name of the db):
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W -d mysite > site.sql
In case a manually restore is needed:
pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d mysite psql_dump.sql
- generating letsencrypt certificates
- using network bridges
- maybe app folder(mysite) should be kept outside of the current path, in case it will has a separate repository than docker files