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Chuck Lorenz edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 9 revisions


Assessment is an extension bundled with the Adapt framework.
It is not a single question component. It is an extension that provides a score for all the question components contained within a single article and that communicates the score to the learning management system (LMS) if so configured. It does not display results. Results are presented with the Assessment Results component (for the results from a single assessment) or the Assessment Results Total component (for the results from multiple assessments).

Question components normally work independently of one another. They are sources for immediate feedback during the learning process. There are times, however, when question components are required to work together to test a learner's knowledge. The Assessment extension keeps track of performance across question components and displays it in the Assessment Results component and, if desired, transmits it to the LMS.


Assessment is dependent only on the presence of question components. But it is commonly used with all of the following:

  • question components: to measure performance
  • Tutor: to enable feedback from the question components
  • Trickle: to prevent the learner from advancing until a block of questions has been completed
  • Spoor: to transmit performance data to an LMS
  • Assessment Results: to display performance data to the learner
  • Submit All -- this optional plugin provides a "Submit All" button functionality that most people expect from an assessment tool.

Settings overview

Assessment is configured in the authoring tool with the attributes that follow. Configuration within the Adapt framework can be found in the Assessment README.

Visit the page dedicated to Usage and Tips.


Project Settings

The following properties, set in Global Settings > Project Settings within the authoring tool, configure the defaults for all assessments in the course. These properties can be overridden on a per assessment basis by setting properties of the same names in the article (Article Edit).

Assessment (_assessment): The Assessment properties group contains values for Pass mark, Percentage based, and Send Total Score to LMS.

Pass mark (_scoreToPass): This is the achievement score required to pass the assessment. The learner's score must be greater than or equal to this score. It is the cumulative raw score needed to pass unless Percentage based is set to true.

Percentage based (_isPercentageBased): Determines whether the value of Pass mark should be treated as a percentage or as the raw score. For example, if Percentage based is set to true, a Pass mark value of 60 will be treated as 60%.

Send Total Score to LMS (_postTotalScoreToLms): Specifies whether the total score (as a percentage) should be sent to the LMS. Acceptable values are true or false.

Article Edit

The following properties can be configured for an article. Multiple assessments may be used within a course, but they must be configured in separate articles.

Assessment (_assessment): The Assessment object that contains values for Enabled, Assessment ID, PercentageBased, Pass Mark, Include in Total Score, Question Banks, Randomised Blocks, Question Behaviour, Assessment Weight, Reset on Revisit, and Attempts Allowed.

Enabled (_isEnabled): Turns the assessment on or off.

Assessment ID (_id): This is a unique name for the assessment.

PercentageBased (_isPercentageBased): Determines whether the value of Pass Mark should be treated as a percentage or as the raw score. For example, if PercentageBased is set to true, a Pass Mark value of 60 will be treated as 60%.

Pass Mark (_scoreToPass): This is the achievement score required to pass the assessment. The learner's score must be greater than or equal to this score. It is the cumulative raw score needed to pass unless PercentageBased is set to true.

Include in Total Score (_includeInTotalScore): Specifies whether the total score (as a percentage) should be sent to the LMS.

Question Banks (_banks): Contains attributes for controlling which questions the learner should receive based on a series of question banks/buckets. Contains values for Enabled, Split, and Randomised Banks. (Use either Question Banks or Randomised Blocks; the value of their Enabled attributes must be opposite booleans— one true, the other false.)

Enabled (_isEnabled): Turns on or off the ability to use Question Banks.

Split (_split): This is a comma-separated list of numbers corresponding to the number of questions to be drawn from each identified block. The position of the numeral in the list corresponds to the Quiz Bank ID assigned to a block. The value of the numeral determines how many questions to retrieve randomly from that particular quiz bank. For example, a Split with a value of "2,1" would pick 2 questions from the first bank ("_quizBankID": "1") and 1 question from the second bank ("_quizBankID": "2").

Randomised Banks (_randomisation): Split determined how many questions are selected from each quiz bank. If there are more questions in the bank than specified in the list, the questions are chosen at random. However, they are presented in the same order as the quiz banks. If you would like the presentation order to be shuffled, set Randomised Banks to true.

Randomised Blocks (_randomisation): Contains attributes for controlling how many random questions the user should receive. Questions and the order in which they are presented are maintained throughout an attempt, should a learner leave the assessment incomplete and return later. (Use either Randomised Blocks or Question Banks; the value of their Enabled attributes must be opposite booleans— one true, the other false.)

Enabled (_isEnabled): Turns on or off the ability to use Randomised Banks.

Block Count (_blockCount): The number of blocks to present to the learner. Questions are presented by blocks. If one component occupies a block, it will be presented alone. If multiple components occupy a block, they will always appear together.

Question Behaviour (_questions): Contains attributes for overriding question component behaviours: Reset Type, Show Feedback, and Show Marking.

Reset Type (_resetType): Determines whether the question component will register as completed when reset. When assigned a value of soft, the learner may continue to interact with it, but the component is counted as completed. When assigned hard, resetting the component removes its completed status, forcing the learner to complete it once again. Other plug-ins, such as Page Level Progress and Trickle, base their behavior on the completion status of components.

Show Feedback (_canShowFeedback): Determines whether a question component within the assessment will be permitted to show its feedback.

Show Marking (_canShowMarking): Determines whether a question component within the assessment will show the marking (typically a green tick or red 'x') after the learner has answered.

Assessment Weight (_assessmentWeight): If there are multiple assessments in the course, this value controls the proportion of the LMS score which is attributed to this assessment. 0.5 = 50% and 1 = 100%.

Reset on Revisit (_isResetOnRevisit): Controls if the assessment should automatically reset (up to the number of available attempts) when a learner revisits the page.

Attempts Allowed (_attempts): Controls the number of attempts available to the learner. If you do not want to limit the number of attempts, use any single one of the following values: -1, 0, null, undefined, "infinite"

Block Edit

Assessment (_assessment): The Assessment object that contains a value for Quiz Bank ID.

Quiz Bank ID (_quizBankID): Add a number to the Quiz Bank ID property of your blocks in order to organize the assessment article's blocks into banks. Start with 1 and increment by 1 for each subsequent bank/block. Although the actual ID does not appear in the Split property, its value is correlated to the position of a number in the list. Quiz Bank ID 1 is associated with the first number in the list; Quiz Bank ID 2 is associated with the second number; and so on. So a value of "2,1" in Split would pick 2 questions from bank 1 and and one question from bank 2.


As one of Adapt's core extensions, Assessment is included with the installation of the Adapt framework and the installation of the Adapt authoring tool.

  • If Assessment has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
    adapt install adapt-contrib-assessment

  • If Assessment has been uninstalled from the Adapt authoring tool, it may be reinstalled using the Plug-in Manager.


When enabled, randomisation will treat blocks independently of each other. Presentation content, such as a graphic, that a question depends on must be assigned to the same block to ensure that it remains in proximity.