Mongodb-session use mongodb as a Clojure/Ring's http session storage.
ring.middleware.session version.
Following examples are originated from sandbar-examples.
Ring-core must be higher than 0.3.0, because mongodb-session depend on the protocol defined
(ns hello
(:require [ring.middleware.session :as rs]
[somnium.congomongo :as congo]
[hozumi.mongodb-session :as mongoss]
(congo/mongo! :db "mydb" :host "")
(defroutes my-routes ....)
(def app (-> my-routes
(rs/wrap-session {:store (mongoss/mongodb-store)})))
Then, you can use mongodb session in the same way as in-memory one.
(defn functional-handler
"Functional style of working with a session."
(let [counter (if-let [counter (-> request :session :counter)]
(+ counter 1)
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (html
(layout "Functional" counter (link-to "/stateful" "Stateful")))
:session {:counter counter}}))
Let's look at the mongodb.
% bin/mongo
MongoDB shell version: 1.6.3
connecting to: test
> use mydb
switched to db mydb
> db.ring_sessions.find()
{ "_id" : "0a7047f6-ad8a-45b0-b214-ba18830b9851",
"_date" : "Sat Nov 06 2010 08:33:58 GMT+0900 (JST)",
"counter" : 3 }
_id means cookie value of ring-session.
_date means when this session is started.
Default collection name mongodb-session use is ring_sessions. You can change this like below.
(mongoss/mongodb-store {:collection-name :my_sessions})
You can also change session id everytime when session is updated. This behavior prevents session fixation attack.
(mongoss/mongodb-store {:auto-key-change? true})
sandbar.stateful-session version.
(ns hello
(:require [sandbar.stateful-session :as stateful]
[somnium.congomongo :as mongo]
[hozumi.mongodb-session :as mongoss]))
(mongo/mongo! :db "mydb" :host "")
(defroutes my-routes ....)
(def app (-> my-routes
(stateful/wrap-stateful-session {:store (mongoss/mongodb-store)})))
You don't need to include :session entry in the response map.
(defn stateful-handler
"Stateful style of working with a session."
(let [counter (+ 1 (stateful/session-get :counter 0))]
(do (stateful/session-put! :counter counter)
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (html
(layout "Stateful" counter
(link-to "/functional" "Functional")))})))
> db.ring_sessions.find()
{ "_id" : "0a7047f6-ad8a-45b0-b214-ba18830b9851",
"_date" : "Sat Nov 06 2010 08:33:58 GMT+0900 (JST)",
"sandbar.stateful-session/session" : { "counter" : 2 } }
Leiningen [org.clojars.hozumi/mongodb-session "1.0.1"]