The Pomodoro Technique is a simple productivity and time management method to help the practitioner focus and ignore distractions. The technique uses a timer to break up work into 25 minute chunks of time (called a pomodoro), with a 5 minute break in between each work period (i.e. pomodoro). After 4 pomodoros, a longer (20 minute) break occurs, at the end of which, the cycle begins anew.
An example:
- 1st Pomodoro (25 minutes)
- 1st Break (5 minutes)
- 2nd Pomodoro (25 minutes)
- 2nd Break (5 minutes)
- 3rd Pomodoro (25 minutes)
- 3rd Break (5 minutes)
- 4th Pomodoro (25 minutes)
- Long Break (20 minutes)
To complete the challenge, your project must...
- Allow the user to start and stop the timer.
- Display the time remaining in the pomodoro and the breaks
- Keep a count of the number of completed pomodoros
- Set the timer back to zero if it is in the middle of a pomodoro
- Set the timer to zero and move to the next pomodoro if it is stopped in a break
- Provide a way for the user to track interruptions, and provide a count of interruptions for each pomodoro
- Appearance
- Tests
Your challenge is to create a Pomodoro timer. To do that, fork this repo into your personal GitHub account, and then clone it to your local environment.
From within the project, run:
> npm install
While working on the challenge, use run:
> npm run dev
Share your screen with your interviewer.