A Python package for reading directivity measurement data
Copyright (c) 2022, Fabio Casagrande Hirono
Software to read acoustic measurement data performed with a microphone arc directivity array in the University of Salford anechoic chamber. The mic arc has a radius of 2.5 metres, and contains 10 microphones located in 10deg intervals (i.e. from 0deg to 90deg), generally positioned in elevation.
Data is acquired using Dewesoft hardware and software, and the raw time series are exported as HDF5 files. Data consists of up to 10 channels of acoustic data, and possibly other channels for auxiliary data (load cells, thermocouples, etc)
- h5py: interface to HDF5 data format
- numpy: array processing
- scipy: scientific library
- soundfile: audio library (for exporting .WAV files)
Fabio Casagrande Hirono - fchirono [at] gmail.com
November 2022