Put all content into the file contents.txt, place contents for each page in the order that they will be situated on the index page.
%slug a_new_page
%title Title For the Page
A paragraph...no synatax indicator needed... will go on until the next carriage return
%h2 A subtitle
Another paragraph. This one has some text in *italics* and some text in **bold**
%img example_1.jpg
%caption A caption for the image
An in-line link %link[slug_to_link_to,Title or other Linking Text] in the middle of a paragraph. And here is a link to another site: %link[http://saganipsum.com/,Sagan Ipsum]
^This is a blockquote with a footnote to the fourth reference on the references page#4^
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="description" content="David Rubello" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 user-scalable=0" />
<title> a_new_page </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/colors.css" />
<body class="lt-blue">
<nav><ul><li><a class="eight-mile" href="http://www.infinitemiledetroit.com/matrix_for_color_cubes.html"></a></li><li><a class="grid" href="index.html"></a></li></ul></nav>
<section class="article">
<h1> a_new_page </h1>
<p>A paragraph...no synatax indicator needed... will go on until the next carriage return</p>
<h2>A subtitle</h2>
<p>Another paragraph. This one has some text in <cite>italics</cite> and some text in <strong>bold</strong></p>
<img src="img/example_1.jpg" alt="example_1"><div class=" image-caption">A caption for the image</div>
<p>An in-line link <a href="slug_to_link_to.html">Title or other Linking Text</a> in the middle of a paragraph. And here is a link to another site: <a href="http://saganipsum.com/">Sagan Ipsum</a></p>
<p><blockquote>This is a blockquote with a footnote to the fourth reference on the references page<a href="references.html"><sup>4</sup></a></blockquote></p>
cd rubello_piper
chmod 777 compiler.rb
- Matthew Piper...
- David Rubello...
- Sagan Ipsum was used for the sample text
- Fluid Squares was used for the grid styling