This is a curated collection of free Deep Learning related eBooks available on the Internet. Please feel free to share and learn.
You may visit Free-Machine-Learning-Books for general Machine Learning books.
If you want to contribute to this list, send a pull request. All contributors will be recognized and appreciated.
Disclaimer: The contributor(s) cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the data.
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- Deep Learning - A Practitioner's Approach [Download]
- Deep Learning - Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville [Download]
- Deep Learning in Python [Download]
- Deep Learning with Applications Using Python - Chatbots and Face, Object, and Speech Recognition With TensorFlow and Keras [Download]
- Deep Learning with Hadoop [Download]
- Deep Learning with Keras [Download]
- Deep Learning with Python - A Hands-on Introduction [Download]
- Deep Learning with Python [Download]
- Deep Learning with PyTorch [Download]
- Deep Learning with Theano [Download]
- Fundamentals of Deep Learning [Download]
- Grokking Deep Learning - MEAP v10 [Download]
- Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers [Download]
- Java Deep Learning Essentials [Download]
- Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow - A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python [Download]
- Python - Deeper Insights into Machine Learning [Download]
- Python Deep Learning Cookbook [Download]
- Python Deep Learning [Download]
- R Deep Learning Essentials [Download]
- TensorFlow 1.x Deep Learning Cookbook [Download]
- TensorFlow for Deep Learning - From Linear Regression to Reinforcement Learning [Download]