Go to http://shell.azure.com and run the following (Or run locally using the Azure CLI) -
The name for your app must be globally unique as it will prefix the website address: http://yourapp.azurewebsites.net/
$ git clone https://github.com/achandmsft/azflaskup
$ cd azflaskup
$ az webapp up --name <enter a globally unique name for your app> --location centralus
$ code app.py
$ az webapp up --name <enter a unique name for your app> --location centralus
For more on Azure CLI, go to http://aka.ms/cli (az webapp up: http://aka.ms/azwebappup)
If you get an exception with the above in shell.azure.com that resource group name is invalid, run az login and complete the instructions clicking on the devicelogin link and pasting the code from the az login output.
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