A fully cited RShiny app to indicate genes' significance in Alzheimer disease or in microglial cell identity, for potential targeting in therapies.
To run:
- Clone this repo
- In terminal, run
to open an R REPL, then run
list <- c("shiny", "shinyjs", "DT", "fmsb", "gridExtra", "stringi", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "ggrepel")
for (i in 1:length(list)){
- Quit the REPL by running
and pressingn
followed byenter
- Run
R -e "shiny::runApp('./Microglia_AD_genes_apps.R')"
- Terminal will print
Listening on
followed by a url; enter that url into your browser - (The following instructions are to demo the app's functionality) First tab (Dropdown list): select APOE from the dropdown list to see all available info about that crucial Alzheimer gene
- Second tab (Text input): copy & paste the genes from the file
into the form to see the output from inputting a list of genes - Third tab (File upload): upload
to see the output from uploading a file
Dropdown List Features:
- Dropdown list to select a gene
- Indicates whether the gene was mentioned in any of two seminal microglial gene papers and seven seminal Alzheimer disease papers, with links out to those papers, and fold change, P value, and RPKM where data is available
- Sliders (see 8)
- Links to further papers mentioning this gene
- Radar plot, indicating which type of brain cell this gene is associated with (microglia, astrocyte, neurone, oligodendocyte); scale indicated on the side, and the font size of the cell identities changes based on whether it's the most significant
- Whether it is indicated as being in the top 50 of a paper by Kelley et al
- JavaScript link to display info on what a radar plot is
- Volcano plot (data from Galatro et al), indicating fold change by P value. Significant thresholds alterable by sliders (from point 3); data points labelled by color relative to thresholds
This is code I wrote in 2018 without any formal training or guidance, so while it works, looking back at it now is somewhat painful! Here are some things I would improve:
- Naming of variables, including tsv files. Calling a file full of genetic data 'extras' doesn't explain much! I can't remember what the sources for these different excel files were now and I feel like the work / payoff balance would be skewed heavily in the direction of work, so I'll be sure not to make that mistake again
- Some variables are just named x or y, which isn't very descriptive for someone looking at the code
- selectizeInput should be moved to server. Having this in the ui section slows performance
- Everything is in one huge 600-line file. So much for srp...
- It's not the most aesthetically pleasing
- Sliders should be next to the plot they control
- The toggle text should be wrapped
What I like:
- I like the coloured dots on the volcano plot and that they change colour based on the movable thresholds, controlled by the sliders
- There is some level of explanatory commentary
- When I wrote this I didn't have a great understanding of how to use Git, so I was pleased to find I still had all the bits and that I could hook them up to work!
- I like knowing how much I've improved since then!