This is an Open source implementation of the Pacsat protocol based on public documents. Designed to run on a Linux computer using Direwolf as the TNC.
For those interested I have a list of the Pacsat Protocol documents on this page:
This is dependant on
To build this, clone the repository then cd into the Debug folder
You can use: make all to build everything, or make clean to remove all the compiled objects.
Follow the instructions to setup direwolf from
Create a file called pacsat.config in the directory where you run this. Here are some default contents:
# Changing the bitrate here does not change the rate of the TNC. Also
# update the TNC configuration
# Callsigns
# If a lot of frames are queued by the tnc then broadcast confirms can
# feel slugish. Keep this value low.
To run the program start direwolf in one terminal and then run Pacsat in another. It should connect to the direwolf AGW engine to send and receive packets. To run pi_pacsat you need to have a library path for the library. Run this first:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/usb-disk/ariss/lib:/usr/local/lib/iors_common:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Then you need to pass it some switches: pi_pacsat -h will show you what they are. You need to tell it where the data will be saved and where the config file is. So something like:
./pi_pacsat -c ~/pacsat.cfg -d ~/pacsat_data
This supports broadcast requests, transmissions and file uploads.