StreamFeel is a Chrome Browser Extension for Twitch. It solves the problem of "I can't understand what people are saying because none of this makes sense!"; it uses an existing "dataset" or collection of messages to make conclusions (natural language processing).
Without the use of predefined rules or algorithm and by using thousands of twitch messages:
- Filters chat messages intelligently,
- Computes sentiment (what people are feeling),
- User Mentions (in-progress),
- Provides analytics; emote, sentiment, and the ability to view this info in realtime or by the minute.
- More than I can count with fingers and toes
- (pnacl/Release) : NLP, Native Client, Computation
- streamfeelutil.cpp (/) : Utility to update (serialize) dataset for the native client module to use for classification
- inject.js : Code injected into stream's page to manipulate twitch chat
- (Other): default & sentiment.js are trained categorizer models used to load StreamFeel.
It uses a form of machine learning: specifically multiclass linear SVM classification as well as natural language processing (sentimental analysis) using MITIE (MIT's Information Extraction Tools / Library) which is built on top of dlib, a high performance machine learning library (verbatim:
Additionally, for data visualization;
- Chart.js Copyright (c) Nick Downie