Hello. It is simple Liderboard store application.
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails s
You need to create key for every you app. GET /api/v1/create_key { "id": 7, "key": "ZRvxqnNfSjUnLcPeMejXpmCWZTefjQLCBDFPGLujUauWUeLYON", "created_at": "2021-05-18T06:48:36.384Z", "updated_at": "2021-05-18T06:48:36.384Z" }
You can add your score POST /api/v1/liderboard {
"key": "ADaHZZRVbrMzXSviZpExRUveREhlrVPwchVitnlyRQrtDbkHtg",
"user_name": "6",
"score": 2
} Result {
"key_id": 4,
"id": 8,
"user_name": "6",
"score": 22.0,
"created_at": "2021-05-18T06:09:50.525Z",
"updated_at": "2021-05-18T06:45:35.835Z"
And you can get liderboard results GET /api/v1/records?key=ADaHZZRVbrMzXSviZpExRUveREhlrVPwchVitnlyRQrtDbkHtg&limit=20&user_name=1533&format=text format=text or format=text user_name for define current user position. Result will contain only newest unique results by score.
format=text { "score": 1.0, "position": 3, "records": [ "user1 - 100223.0", "user2 - 22.0", "user3 (YOU) - 1.0" ] }
format=json { "score": 1.0, "position": 3, "records": [ { "score": 100223.0, "user_name": "user1" }, { "score": 22.0, "user_name": "user2" }, { "score": 1.0, "user_name": "user3 (YOU)" } ] }