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Building Abixen Platform

Mariusz Kumor edited this page Apr 1, 2017 · 11 revisions

Get it started


  • Java 8
  • Redis 3.0+
  • Maven 3.1.0+
  • GIT added to the path
  • Internet connection to download maven, npm and bower dependencies

Make sure that your Redis is in version 3.0 or above. If not you may have problems with running particular microservices.

Make sure that your Maven is in version 3.1.0 or above. If not you may have problems with building particular microservices.

Make sure that you have GIT added to the path in your operating system. If not you may have problems with downloading bower dependencies in Web Client and Modules microservices.

Build the project

At the first clone the project from GitHub. If you are going to start development process, then the best option will be run from IDE environment. We recommend IntelliJ IDEA. Section Getting started a development aims at showing how to start the project in IntelliJ IDEA. If you wish to just run the project, without a development, please follow the below steps.

There are two ways to build the project. The first one is with docker images, because Abixen Platform has been dockerized. However in order to build with docker images you must have installed and running docker's daemon. If you meet the above conditions, it's time to run your terminal and go to the section Build the project with docker images. The second one is building without docker. If you wish to build without docker, go to the section Build the project without docker images.

Build the project with docker images

In a terminal go to the project directory and execute:

mvn install

Maven should download all required dependencies, both java libraries and using Maven Frontend Plugin will trigger the bower ones downloading process.

Build the project without docker images

In a terminal go to the project directory and execute:

mvn install -DskipDocker

Maven should download all required dependencies, both java libraries and using Maven Frontend Plugin trigger the bower ones downloading process.