Movie Rating Prediction
This project focuses on predicting IMDb scores for movies using a linear regression model. The dataset contains information about various movie features, and the goal is to develop a model that can accurately predict IMDb scores.
The dataset (movie_data.csv
) contains information about movies, including features like genres, director names, actor names, IMDb scores, and more. The preprocessing steps involve handling missing values, one-hot encoding categorical variables, and removing unnecessary columns.
: Jupyter Notebook containing the main code for data preprocessing, model development, and evaluation.movie_data.csv
: Dataset used for training and testing the
: This file providing an overview of the project.
- pandas
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- seaborn
jupyter notebook project_code.ipynb
- Jethreswar
- Naga Himachand Pasupuleti
- Abhishek