Dataset: To be used to the solve the problem described in the Problem Description.pdf file
Instructions for Submission:
Open the problem description (PDF file) and try to solve any one of the problems given.
Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine using:
Create a Branch:
Navigate into the repository directory: cd repository-name
Create a new branch for your solution:
- git checkout -b <unique_name> (Use your name and mobile number or DOB to create a unique branch name)
Solve the Problem
Make the necessary changes to solve the problem.
- Add and commit your changes:
- git add .
- git commit -m "Solved the problem"
- Push your branch to your forked repository: git push origin <unique_name>
- Add and commit your changes:
Submit: Inform us once you have pushed the solution branch.
You will need to submit the following items:
- Ipython notebook or python script
- Requirement.txt containing the python packages needed to run the code
- Document explaining your thinking process and code.
- Contact Me file containing your contact information which we will use to contact you.