fix: failing build with ERR_PNPM_BAD_PM_VERSION #8
6 errors and 1 warning
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck
Property 'ALLOW_INDEXING' does not exist on type 'JsonifyObject<{ MODE: "production" | "development" | "test"; SENTRY_DSN: string | undefined; }>'.
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck
Object literal may only specify known properties, and ''caret-blink'' does not exist in type '[fontSize: string, lineHeight: string] | [fontSize: string, configuration: Partial<{ lineHeight: string; letterSpacing: string; fontWeight: string | number; }>]'.
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck
Object literal may only specify known properties, and ''caret-blink'' does not exist in type '[fontSize: string, lineHeight: string] | [fontSize: string, configuration: Partial<{ lineHeight: string; letterSpacing: string; fontWeight: string | number; }>]'.
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck
'createRequestHandler' is of type 'unknown'.
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck
Type '{ colors: { border: string; input: { DEFAULT: string; invalid: string; }; ring: { DEFAULT: string; invalid: string; }; background: string; foreground: { DEFAULT: string; destructive: string; }; primary: { ...; }; ... 5 more ...; card: { ...; }; }; borderColor: { ...; }; borderRadius: { ...; }; fontSize: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'Partial<CustomThemeConfig>'.
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck
web#typecheck: command (/home/runner/work/epic-stack-turborepo/epic-stack-turborepo/apps/web) /home/runner/setup-pnpm/node_modules/.bin/pnpm run typecheck exited (1)
🔬 Lint and ʦ Typecheck:
`react` import should occur after import of `lucide-react`