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abego GuiTesting Swing

Easily write GUI Tests in Java (for Swing)


Use the abego GuiTesting Swing library to quickly write GUI tests for Swing applications in the same way you write "headless" JUnit tests.

The GT Interface

GUITesting Swing provides most of its features through the GT interface. The interface covers many areas related to GUI testing, like dealing with windows or components, using input devices like keyboard or mouse, checking test results with GUI specific "assert..." methods and many more.

A typical code snippet using GT may look like this:

import static org.abego.guitesting.swing.GuiTesting.newGT;


// A GT instance is the main thing we need when testing GUI code.
GT gt = newGT();

// run some application code that opens a window

// In that window we are interested in a JTextField named "input"
JTextField input = gt.waitForComponentNamed(JTextField.class, "input");

// we move the focus to that input field and type "Your name" ", please!"
gt.type("Your name");
gt.type(", please!");

// Verify if the text field really contains the expected text.
gt.assertEqualsRetrying("Your name, please!", input::getText);

// When we are done with our tests we can ask GT to clean up
// (This will dispose open windows etc.)

Unit Testing

When writing JUnit tests you may want to subclass from GuiTestBase.

Sample Code

For samples how to use the GUITesting Swing library have a look at the test code of this project, in the src/test/java folder.



To use abego GUITesting Swing in a project built with Maven, add the following to the element in your pom.xml file.




You may check out the source code from the GitHub repository.

Known Issues

  • In order to run guitesting-swing in semeru-18 (IBM's version of the JDK 18) and probably other newer JREs, the option --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED should be added to the jvm arguments when launching tests from this kit. This prevents an exception about exports from sun.awt to unnamed modules. (Thanks to dmcennis for this hint.)
  • Does not yet work well on Travis CI etc. (Help greatly appreciated!)



abego GuiTesting is available under a business friendly MIT license.