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@abbeycode abbeycode released this 21 May 13:23
· 115 commits to v2.11 since this release

Updates in this beta:

  • Improved the -extractFilesTo:overwrite:progress:error: method, so it now allows cancellation in the middle of extracting a file. This will come in handy when the files in the archive are larger (Issue #74). Thanks, @skito!
  • Upgraded UnRAR library to v5.6.3 (Issue #77)

Changes for main release:

  • Added support for NSProgress and NSProgressReporting in all extraction and iteration methods (Issue #34)
  • Added enhanced support for multivolume archives (PRs #59, #38 - Thanks to @aonez for the idea and implementation!)
  • Added methods for checking data integrity of archived files (Issue #26, PR #61 - Thanks to @amosavian for the suggestion!)
  • Added detailed logging using new unified logging framework. See the readme for more details (Issue #35)
  • Added localized details to returned NSError objects (Issue #45)
  • Fixed bug when listing file info for multivolume archive that resulted in duplicate items (Issue #67 - Thanks to @skito for catching this)
  • Moved unrar sources into a static library, and addressed a wide variety of warnings exposed by the -Weverything flag (Issue #56)
  • Upgraded UnRAR library to v5.6.3 (Issue #77)
  • Switched to Travis Build Stages instead of the unofficial Travis-After-All (Issue #42)
  • Added CocoaPods Test Spec, so your test suite can also run UnrarKit's unit tests Issue #44
  • Fixed warnings from Xcode 9 (Issue #51)
  • Removed iOS-specific targets, after allowing macOS framework and unit test bundles to be cross-platform (Issue #55)