An example template of files for a comprehensive solution architecture in a documentation-as-code approach.
- Most of the text-based content is in AsciiDoc ( ) format
- To create any number of multiple output formats, install and leverage DAPS ( )
- The organization is similar to Archimate Enterprise Architecture ( )
- either git clone/fork or download a ZIP (and then unzip) of this GitHub repository
- in the top-level directory, review/adjust/modify the following files:
- DC-SA : to add/enable/disable any of the attributes/sections that you desire)
- adoc/SA_vars.adoc : start adjusting the values of
- useCase
- title
- author information
- github references
- adoc/SA.adoc : the main document
- every portion of text that cites "FixMe" is a flag to encourage modification
- as you edit the modular text content snippets, create an output format
- daps --force -d DC-SA format
- where format might be "pdf", "html", "html --single" and many others are also available
- daps --force -d DC-SA format
- you can also add images/media content as needed in those subdirectories
- feel free to provide feedback, ask questions or even submit pull request