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A manager for photos and other media files.

Indexes photos, adds them to a database, and collects them in a specified directory. Verifies stored photos against bitrot or modification based on their checksum. Database is stored in a non-proprietary, human-readable JSON format. PhotoManager is inspired by elodie, but it is intended for archiving and will not modify any file contents, including metadata.

Photos are organized by the best available date obtained from metadata or file information. They can be prioritized so that only the best available version will be collected. Alternate copies of photos are identified by matching filenames and timestamps.


Requires Python 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10.

Clone the repository

git clone
cd photomanager
pip install .

Install ExifTool

ExifTool is required to index, but not to collect or verify photos.

# macOS
brew install exiftool

# Debian / Ubuntu
apt install libimage-exiftool-perl

# Fedora / Redhat
dnf install perl-Image-ExifTool

Or download from


The database JSON file can optionally be compressed as a zstd or gzip file. Zstandard is available in most package managers, e.g. brew install zstd. Filenames ending in .gz will be read as gzip archives and names ending in .zst will be read as zstd archives.

To enable photo integrity checking, additional dependencies must be installed with pip install .[check-mi].


Add photos to the database

photomanager index --db db.json /path/to/directory /path/to/photo.jpg

PhotoManager will search for media files in any supplied directories and also index single files supplied directly as arguments. Repeat with as many sources as desired.

For lower-quality versions of source photos such as downstream edits or previews, provide a lower priority such as --priority 30 (default is 10). These will be collected if the original (high-priority) copy is unavailable. Alternate versions are matched using their timestamp and filename.

Previous versions of the database are given unique names and not overwritten.

If the photos are stored on an SSD or RAID array, use --storage-type SSD or --storage-type RAID and checksum and EXIF checks will be performed by multiple workers.

To check the integrity of media files before indexing them, use the --check-integrity flag. Integrity checking has additional dependencies; install them with pip install .[check-mi]

Collect files into a storage folder

Now that PhotoManager knows what photos you want to store, collect them into a storage folder:

photomanager collect --db db.json --destination /path/to/destination

This will copy the highest-priority versions of photos not already stored into the destination folder and give them consistent paths based on their timestamps, checksums, and original names.

├── 2015
│   ├── 01-Jan
│   │   ├── 2015-01-04_10-22-03-a927bc3-IMG_0392.JPG
│   │   └── 2015-01-31_19-20-13-ce028af-IMG_0782.JPG
│   └── 02-Feb
│       └── 2015-02-30_02-40-43-9637179-AWK_0060.jpg
├── 2016
│   ├── 05-May
│   │   ├── 2018-05-24_00-31-08-bf3ed29-IMG_8213.JPG
│   │   └── 2018-05-29_20-13-16-39a4187-IMG_8591.MOV
├── 2017
│   ├── 12-Dec
│   │   ├── 2017-12-25_20-32-41-589c151-DSC_8705.JPG
│   │   └── 2017-12-25_20-32-41-4bb6987-DSC_8705.NEF

Stored photo paths in the database are relative to the destination folder, so the library is portable, and the same database can be shared across library copies. Recommended syncing tools are rsync and rclone.

Indexing and collection can be repeated as new sources of photos are found and collected. The import command performs both these actions in a single command:

photomanager import --db db.json --destination /path/to/destination /path/to/source/directory

Verify stored photos against bit rot or modification

photomanager verify --db db.json --destination /path/to/destination

If the photos are stored on an SSD or RAID array, use --storage-type SSD or --storage-type RAID and multiple files will be verified in parallel.

Note that this can only detect unexpected modifications; it cannot undo changes it detects. Therefore, backing up the storage directory to multiple locations (such as with a 3-2-1 backup) is recommended.

Usage instructions

Use the --help argument to see instructions for each command

photomanager --help
Usage: photomanager [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  clean    Remove lower-priority alternatives of stored items
  collect  Collect highest-priority items into storage
  create   Create an empty database
  import   Index items and collect to directory
  index    Find and add items to database
  stats    Get database statistics
  verify   Verify checksums of stored items

Create database

This command is only needed if you want to specify a non-default hashing algorithm or timezone.

Supported hashes are blake2b-256 (the default) and sha256. These are equivalent to b2sum -l 256 and sha256sum, respectively. BLAKE2b is recommended as it is faster (and stronger) than SHA-2, resulting in noticeably faster indexing/verification on fast storage, and less CPU usage on slow storage.

Usage: photomanager create [OPTIONS]

  Create a database. Save a new version if it already exists.

  --db FILE                       PhotoManager database filepath (.json). Add
                                  extensions .zst or .gz to compress.
  --hash-algorithm [sha256|blake2b-256|blake3]
                                  Hash algorithm (default=blake2b-256)
  --timezone-default TEXT         Timezone to use when indexing timezone-naive
                                  photos (example="-0400", default="local")
  --debug                         Run in debug mode
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Index photos

Usage: photomanager index [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  Index and add items to database

  --db FILE                       PhotoManager database filepath (.json). Add
                                  extensions .zst or .gz to compress.
  --source DIRECTORY              Directory to index
  --file FILE                     File to index
  --exclude TEXT                  Name patterns to exclude
  --skip-existing                 Don't index files that are already in the
  --check-integrity               Check media integrity and don't index bad
  --priority INTEGER              Priority of indexed photos (lower is
                                  preferred, default=10)
  --timezone-default TEXT         Timezone to use when indexing timezone-naive
                                  photos (example="-0400", default="local")
  --hash-algorithm [sha256|blake2b-256|blake3]
                                  Hash algorithm to use if no database
                                  provided (default=blake2b-256)
  --storage-type [HDD|SSD|RAID]   Class of storage medium (HDD, SSD, RAID)
  --debug                         Run in debug mode
  --dump                          Print photo info to stdout
  --dry-run                       Perform a dry run that makes no changes
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Collect photos

Usage: photomanager collect [OPTIONS]

  Collect highest-priority items into storage

  --db FILE                PhotoManager database path  [required]
  --destination DIRECTORY  Photo storage base directory  [required]
  --debug                  Run in debug mode
  --dry-run                Perform a dry run that makes no changes
  --collect-db             Also save the database within destination
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Verify photos

Usage: photomanager verify [OPTIONS]

  Verify checksums of stored items

  --db FILE                      PhotoManager database path  [required]
  --destination DIRECTORY        Photo storage base directory  [required]
  --subdir TEXT                  Verify only items within subdirectory
  --storage-type [HDD|SSD|RAID]  Class of storage medium (HDD, SSD, RAID)
  --random-fraction FLOAT        Verify a randomly sampled fraction of the
  --debug                        Run in debug mode
  -h, --help                     Show this message and exit.

Remove unnecessary duplicates

Usage: photomanager clean [OPTIONS]

  Remove lower-priority alternatives of stored items

  --db FILE                PhotoManager database path  [required]
  --destination DIRECTORY  Photo storage base directory  [required]
  --subdir TEXT            Remove only items within subdirectory
  --debug                  Run in debug mode
  --dry-run                Perform a dry run that makes no changes
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Database file format

The database is a json file, optionally gzip or zstd-compressed. It takes this form:

  "version": 3,
  "hash_algorithm": "blake2b-256",
  "timezone_default": "local",
  "photo_db": {
    "<uid>": [
  "command_history": {
    "<timestamp>": "<command>"

where an example photo has the form:

  "chk": "881f279108bcec5b6e...",
  "src": "/path/to/photo_123.jpg",
  "dt": "2021:03:29 06:40:00+00:00",
  "ts": 1617000000,
  "fsz": 123456,
  "sto": "2021/03-Mar/2021-03-29_02-40-00-881f279-photo_123.jpg",
  "prio": 10,
  "tzo": -14400.0


chk (str):Checksum of photo file
src (str):Absolute path where photo was found
dt (str):Datetime string for best estimated creation date (original)
ts (float):POSIX timestamp of best estimated creation date (derived)
fsz (int):Photo file size, in bytes
sto (str):Relative path where photo is stored, empty if not stored
prio (int):Photo priority (lower is preferred)
tzo (float):Local time zone offset (optional)