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Kitware Image and Video Exploitation and Retrieval

The KWIVER toolkit is a collection of software tools designed to tackle challenging image and video analysis problems and other related challenges. Recently started by Kitware’s Computer Vision and Scientific Visualization teams, KWIVER is an ongoing effort to transition technology developed over multiple years to the open source domain to further research, collaboration, and product development. KWIVER is a collection of C++ libraries with C and Python bindings and uses an permissive BSD License.

One of the primary design goals of KWIVER is to make it easier to pull together algorithms from a wide variety of third-party, open source image and video processing projects and integrate them into highly modular, run-time configurable systems. This goal is achieved through the three main components of KWIVER: Vital, Arrows, and Sprokit.


Vital is core of KWIVER and is designed to provide data and algorithm abstractions with minimal library dependencies. Vital only depends on the C++ standard library and the header-only Eigen library. Vital defines the core data types and abstract interfaces for core vision algorithms using these types. Vital also provides various system utility functions like logging, plugin management, and configuration file handling. Vital does not provide implementations of the abstract algorithms. Implementations are found in Arrows and are loaded dynamically at run-time via plugins.

The design of KWIVER allows end-user applications to link only against the Vital libraries and have minimal hard dependencies. One can then dynamically add algorithmic capabilities, with new dependencies, via plugins without needing to recompile Vital or the application code. Only Vital is built by default when building KWIVER without enabling any options in CMake.


Arrows is the collection of plugins that provides implementations of the algorithms declared in Vital. Each arrow can be enabled or disabled in build process through CMake options. Most arrows bring in additional third-party dependencies and wrap the capabilities of those libraries to make them accessible through the Vital APIs. The code in Arrows also converts or wrap data types from these external libraries into Vital data types. This allows interchange of data between algorithms from different arrows using Vital types as the intermediary.

Capabilities are currently organized into Arrows based on what third party library they require. However, this arrangement is not required and may change as the number of algorithms and arrows grows. Some arrows, like core, require no additional dependencies. Some examples of the provided Arrows are:


Sprokit is a "Stream Processing Toolkit" that provides infrastructure for chaining together algorithms into pipelines for processing streaming data sources. The most common use case of Sprokit is for video processing, but Sprokit is data type agnostic and could be used for any type of streaming data. Sprokit allows the user to dynamically connect and configure a pipeline by chaining together processing nodes called "processes" into a directed graph with data sources and sinks. Sprokit schedules the jobs to run each process and keep data flowing through pipeline. Sprokit also allows processes written in Python to be interconnected with those written in C++.

Building KWIVER


KWIVER, especially Arrows, has a number of dependencies on 3rd party open source libraries. Most of these dependencies are optional but useful in practice, and the number of dependencies is expected to grow as we expand Arrows.

Vital has minimal required dependencies (only Eigen). Sprokit additionally relies on Boost. Arrows and Sprokit processes are structured so that the code that depends on an external package is in a directory with the major dependency name (e.g. vxl, ocv). The dependencies can be turned ON or OFF through CMake variables.

To make it easier to build KWIVER, especially on systems like Microsoft Windows that do not have package manager, Fletch was developed to gather, configure and build dependent packages for use with KWIVER. Fletch is a CMake_ based "super-build" that takes care of most of the build details for you.

For building Fletch, refer to the README file in that repository.

Running CMake

You may run cmake directly from a shell or cmd window. On unix systems, the ccmake tool allows for interactive selection of CMake options. Available for all platforms, the CMake GUI can set the source and build directories, options, "Configure" and "Generate" the build files all with the click of a few button.

We recommend building Fletch out of the source directory to prevent mixing source files with compiled products. Create a build directory in parallel with the Fletch source directory for each desired configuration. For example :

\kwiver\src contains the code from the git repository
\kwiver\build\release contains the built files for the release configuration
\kwiver\build\debug contains the built files for the debug configuration

The following are the most important CMake configuration options for KWIVER.

CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE The compiler mode, usually Debug or Release
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX The path to where you want the kwiver build products to install
KWIVER_ENABLE_ARROWS Enable algorithm implementation plugins
KWIVER_ENABLE_C_BINDINGS Whether to build the Vital C bindings
KWIVER_ENABLE_DOCS Turn on building the Doxygen documentation
KWIVER_ENABLE_LOG4CPLUS Enable log4cplus logger back end
KWIVER_ENABLE_PYTHON Enable the Vital Python bindings (requires KWIVER_ENABLE_C_BINDINGS)
KWIVER_ENABLE_SPROKIT Enable the Stream Processing Toolkit
KWIVER_ENABLE_TESTS Build the unit tests
KWIVER_ENABLE_TOOLS Build the command line tools (e.g. plugin_explorer)
fletch_DIR Install directory of a Fletch build.

There are many more options. Specifically, there are numerous options for third-party projects prefixed with KWIVER_ENABLE_ that enable building the Arrows plugins that depend on those projects. When building with the support of Fletch (set fletch_DIR) the enable options for packages built by Fletch should be turned on by default. The fletch_DIR is the fletch build directory root, which contains the fletchConfig.cmake file.

The following sections will walk you through the basic options for a minimal kwiver build.

Basic CMake generation via command line

Note, This assumes your fletch was built with python support (Turn OFF if not)

You will also need to replace the fletch path with your own:

$ cmake </path/to/kwiver/source> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

Basic CMake generation using ccmake

When first configuring a kwiver build with ccmake it is preferable to set the build configuration and fletch_DIR. The command line will look like this:

$ ccmake /path/to/kwiver/source -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Dfletch_DIR=/path/to/fletch/release

Other CMake options can also be passed on the command line in this way if desired. Follow the recommended option setup using the cmake GUI.

Basic CMake generation using the CMake GUI

When running the cmake gui, we recommend selecting the 'Grouped' and 'Advanced' options to better organize the options available. Note, after clicking the configuration button, new options will be highlighted in the red sections.

  1. Once the source code and build directories are set, press the 'Configuration' button and select your compiler.
    1. Configuration will fail, but now we can set option values
  2. Set the fletch_DIR, the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, and these KWIVER options, and press the 'Configuration' button
    1. Note, if compiling with MSVC, you will not have a CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE option

KWIVER CMake Configuration Step 2

  1. Select these new options, and click 'Generate'
    1. This assumes your fletch was build with python support, if not, do not check that option

KWIVER CMake Configuration Step 3


Once your CMake generation has completed and created the build files, compile in the standard way for your build environment. On Linux this is typically running make.

There is also a build target, INSTALL. This target will build all code, then create an install directory inside the build directory. This install folder will be populated with all binaries, libraries, headers, and other files you will need to develop your application with kwiver. MSVC users note, this install directory is for a single build configuration and their will not be configuration named directories in this directory structure. (i.e. no /bin/release, only /bin)

Running KWIVER

Once you've built KWIVER, you'll want to test that it's working on your system. From a command prompt execute the following command:

# via a bash shell
source </path/to/kwiver/build>/
# via a windows cmd prompt

Where </path/to/kwiver/build> is the actual path of your KWIVER CMake build directory.

This will set up your PATH, PYTHONPATH and other environment variables to allow KWIVER to work conveniently within in the shell/cmd window.

You can run this simple pipeline to ensure your system is configured properly:

# via a bash shell
</path/to/kwiver/build>/bin/pipeline_runner -p ../examples/pipelines/number_flow.pipe
# on windows, you will need to also be in the configuration folder
</path/to/kwiver/build>/bin/release/pipeline_runner -p ..\..\examples\pipelines\number_flow.pipe

This will generate a 'numbers.txt' file in the </path/to/kwiver/build>/examples/pipelines/output directory.


Here are some applications using kwiver that serve as an example of how to leverage kwiver for a specific application

MAP-Tk A collection tools for structure-from-motion and dense 3D reconstruction from imagery with an emphasis on aerial video. The primary component is a GUI application named TeleSculptor.
VIAME A computer vision library designed to integrate several image and video processing algorithms together in a common distributed processing framework, majorly targeting marine species analytics

Code Structure and Provided Functionality

Below is a summary of the key directories in KWIVER and a brief summary of the content they contain.

CMake CMake helper scripts
arrows The algorithm plugin modules
doc Documentation, manuals, release notes
examples Examples for running KWIVER (currently out of date)
extras Extra utilities (e.g. instrumentation)
sprokit Stream processing toolkit
tests Testing related support code
vital Core libraries source and headers


vital/algo Abstract algorithm definitions
vital/bindings C and Python bindings
vital/config Configuration support code
vital/exceptions Exception class hierarchy
vital/io Classes that support reading and writing core data types
vital/kwiversys Code that supports the OS abstraction layer
vital/logger Classes that provide logging support
vital/plugin_loader Classes that provide plugin loading services
vital/tests Unit tests for vital code
vital/tools Source for command line utilities
vital/types Classes for the core data types
vital/util Source for general purpose utility functions
vital/video_metadata Classes that support video metadata


arrows/burnout [Experimental] Pixel classifiers for heads-up display detection an related tasks using Vibrant.
arrows/ceres Algorithms for bundle adjustment and optimization using Ceres Solver.
arrows/core Algorithms implemented with no additional third party dependencies beyond what Vital uses (Eigen).
arrows/darknet [Experimental] Object detection with the Darknet YOLO CNN.
arrows/matlab An interface for running Matlab code KWIVER
arrows/ocv Algorithms implemented using OpenCV. Includes feature detectors and descriptor, homography and fundamental matrix estimation, image IO, and more.
arrows/proj Geographic conversion functions implemented with PROJ4.
arrows/uuid [Experimental] Implementation of unique IDs using libuuid
arrows/viscl [Experimental] Algorithms using VisCL to implement algorithms in OpenCL
arrows/vxl Algorithms implemnted using the VXL libraries. Includes bundle adjustment, homography estimation, video file reading, and more.


sprokit/cmake CMake helper scripts specific to Sprokit
sprokit/conf Configuration files CMake will tailor to the build system machine and directory structure
sprokit/doc Further documenation related to sprokit
sprokit/extra General scripts, hooks, and cofigurations for use with 3rd party tools (e.g. git and vim)
sprokit/pipelines Example pipeline files demonstrating the execution of various arrows through sprokit
sprokit/processes General utility processess that encapsulate various arrows for core funcionality
sprokit/src Core infrastructure code for defining, chaining, and executing Sprokit processes
sprokit/tests Sprokit unit tests


Continuous integration testing is provided by CDash. Our KWIVER dashboard hosts nightly build and test results across multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Anyone can contribute a build to this dashboard using the dashboard script provided. Follow the instructions in the comments.

Travis CI is also used for continued integration testing. Travis CI is limited to a single platform (Ubuntu Linux), but provides automated testing of all topic branches and pull requests whenever they are created.

Travis CI master branch: CI:master
Travis CI release branch: CI:release


For details on how to contribute to KWIVER, including code style and branch naming conventions, please read CONTRIBUTING.rst.

Getting Help

Please join the kwiver-users mailing list to discuss KWIVER or to ask for help with using KWIVER. For less frequent announcements about KWIVER and projects built on KWIVER, please join the kwiver-announce mailing list.


The authors would like to thank AFRL/Sensors Directorate for their support of this work via SBIR Contract FA8650-14-C-1820. The portions of this work funded by the above contract are approved for public release via case number 88ABW-2017-2725.

The authors would like to thank IARPA for their support of this work via the DIVA program.

The authors would like to thank NOAA for their support of this work via the NOAA Fisheries Strategic Initiative on Automated Image Analysis.


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published


  • C++ 82.7%
  • Python 7.2%
  • C 5.1%
  • CMake 4.3%
  • MATLAB 0.3%
  • Jupyter Notebook 0.2%
  • Other 0.2%