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[FSharp] Move ReflectionHelpers and ReflectionPatterns
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hyazinthh committed Oct 30, 2023
1 parent 0e3c21a commit a88f0d2
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Showing 2 changed files with 150 additions and 151 deletions.
150 changes: 149 additions & 1 deletion src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Reflection/ReflectionExtensions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -336,5 +336,153 @@ type MethodInfoGenericExtensions private() =
match MethodResolver.tryMakeApplicable args ret this with
| Some m -> m
| None -> null

module ReflectionHelpers =
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection

let private lockObj = obj()

let private prettyNames =
Dict.ofList [
typeof<sbyte>, "sbyte"
typeof<byte>, "byte"
typeof<int16>, "int16"
typeof<uint16>, "uint16"
typeof<int>, "int"
typeof<uint32>, "uint32"
typeof<int64>, "int64"
typeof<uint64>, "uint64"
typeof<nativeint>, "nativeint"
typeof<unativeint>, "unativeint"

typeof<char>, "char"
typeof<string>, "string"

typeof<float32>, "float32"
typeof<float>, "float"
typeof<decimal>, "decimal"

typeof<obj>, "obj"
typeof<unit>, "unit"
typeof<System.Void>, "void"


let private genericPrettyNames =
Dict.ofList [
typedefof<list<_>>, "list"
typedefof<Option<_>>, "Option"
typedefof<Set<_>>, "Set"
typedefof<Map<_,_>>, "Map"
typedefof<seq<_>>, "seq"


let private idRx = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex @"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"

let rec private getPrettyNameInternal (t : Type) =
let res =
match prettyNames.TryGetValue t with
| (true, n) -> n
| _ ->
if t.IsArray then
t.GetElementType() |> getPrettyNameInternal |> sprintf "%s[]"

elif FSharpType.IsTuple t then
FSharpType.GetTupleElements t |> getPrettyNameInternal |> String.concat " * "

elif FSharpType.IsFunction t then
let (arg, res) = FSharpType.GetFunctionElements t

sprintf "%s -> %s" (getPrettyNameInternal arg) (getPrettyNameInternal res)

elif typeof<Aardvark.Base.INatural>.IsAssignableFrom t then
let s = Aardvark.Base.Peano.getSize t
sprintf "N%d" s

elif t.IsGenericType then
let args = t.GetGenericArguments() |> getPrettyNameInternal |> String.concat ", "
let bt = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
match genericPrettyNames.TryGetValue bt with
| (true, gen) ->
sprintf "%s<%s>" gen args
| _ ->
let gen = idRx.Match bt.Name
sprintf "%s<%s>" gen.Value args


prettyNames.[t] <- res

[<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension; CompiledName("GetPrettyName")>]
let getPrettyName(t : Type) =
lock lockObj (fun () ->
getPrettyNameInternal t

type Type with
member x.PrettyName =
lock lockObj (fun () ->
getPrettyNameInternal x

/// <summary>
/// Defines a number of active patterns for matching expressions. Includes some
/// functionality missing in F#.
/// </summary>
module ReflectionPatterns =
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open QuotationReflectionHelpers

let private typePrefixPattern = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex @"^.*\.(?<methodName>.*)$"
let (|Method|_|) (mi : MethodInfo) =
let args = mi.GetParameters() |> p -> p.ParameterType)
let parameters = if mi.IsStatic then
seq { yield mi.DeclaringType; yield! args }

let m = typePrefixPattern.Match mi.Name
let name =
if m.Success then m.Groups.["methodName"].Value
else mi.Name

Method (name, parameters |> Seq.toList) |> Some

let private compareMethods (template : MethodInfo) (m : MethodInfo) =
if template.IsGenericMethod && m.IsGenericMethod then
if template.GetGenericMethodDefinition() = m.GetGenericMethodDefinition() then
let targs = template.GetGenericArguments() |> Array.toList
let margs = m.GetGenericArguments() |> Array.toList

let zip = targs margs

let args = zip |> List.filter(fun (l,r) -> l.IsGenericParameter) |> (fun (_,a) -> a)

Some args
elif template = m then
Some []

let (|MethodQuote|_|) (e : Expr) (mi : MethodInfo) =
let m = tryGetMethodInfo e
match m with
| Some m -> match compareMethods m mi with
| Some a -> MethodQuote(a) |> Some
| None -> None
| _ -> None

let (|Create|_|) (c : ConstructorInfo) =
Create(c.DeclaringType, c.GetParameters() |> Seq.toList) |> Some
151 changes: 1 addition & 150 deletions src/Aardvark.Base.FSharp/Runtime.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -280,153 +280,4 @@ module Weak =
List.fold2 (fun b l r -> b && (l.Equals(r))) true m_elements other.Target
| _ -> false

module ReflectionHelpers =
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection

let private lockObj = obj()

let private prettyNames =
Dict.ofList [
typeof<sbyte>, "sbyte"
typeof<byte>, "byte"
typeof<int16>, "int16"
typeof<uint16>, "uint16"
typeof<int>, "int"
typeof<uint32>, "uint32"
typeof<int64>, "int64"
typeof<uint64>, "uint64"
typeof<nativeint>, "nativeint"
typeof<unativeint>, "unativeint"

typeof<char>, "char"
typeof<string>, "string"

typeof<float32>, "float32"
typeof<float>, "float"
typeof<decimal>, "decimal"

typeof<obj>, "obj"
typeof<unit>, "unit"
typeof<System.Void>, "void"


let private genericPrettyNames =
Dict.ofList [
typedefof<list<_>>, "list"
typedefof<Option<_>>, "Option"
typedefof<Set<_>>, "Set"
typedefof<Map<_,_>>, "Map"
typedefof<seq<_>>, "seq"


let private idRx = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex @"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"

let rec private getPrettyNameInternal (t : Type) =
let res =
match prettyNames.TryGetValue t with
| (true, n) -> n
| _ ->
if t.IsArray then
t.GetElementType() |> getPrettyNameInternal |> sprintf "%s[]"

elif FSharpType.IsTuple t then
FSharpType.GetTupleElements t |> getPrettyNameInternal |> String.concat " * "

elif FSharpType.IsFunction t then
let (arg, res) = FSharpType.GetFunctionElements t

sprintf "%s -> %s" (getPrettyNameInternal arg) (getPrettyNameInternal res)

elif typeof<Aardvark.Base.INatural>.IsAssignableFrom t then
let s = Aardvark.Base.Peano.getSize t
sprintf "N%d" s

elif t.IsGenericType then
let args = t.GetGenericArguments() |> getPrettyNameInternal |> String.concat ", "
let bt = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
match genericPrettyNames.TryGetValue bt with
| (true, gen) ->
sprintf "%s<%s>" gen args
| _ ->
let gen = idRx.Match bt.Name
sprintf "%s<%s>" gen.Value args


prettyNames.[t] <- res

[<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension; CompiledName("GetPrettyName")>]
let getPrettyName(t : Type) =
lock lockObj (fun () ->
getPrettyNameInternal t

type Type with
member x.PrettyName =
lock lockObj (fun () ->
getPrettyNameInternal x

/// <summary>
/// Defines a number of active patterns for matching expressions. Includes some
/// functionality missing in F#.
/// </summary>
module ReflectionPatterns =
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open QuotationReflectionHelpers

let private typePrefixPattern = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex @"^.*\.(?<methodName>.*)$"
let (|Method|_|) (mi : MethodInfo) =
let args = mi.GetParameters() |> p -> p.ParameterType)
let parameters = if mi.IsStatic then
seq { yield mi.DeclaringType; yield! args }

let m = typePrefixPattern.Match mi.Name
let name =
if m.Success then m.Groups.["methodName"].Value
else mi.Name

Method (name, parameters |> Seq.toList) |> Some

let private compareMethods (template : MethodInfo) (m : MethodInfo) =
if template.IsGenericMethod && m.IsGenericMethod then
if template.GetGenericMethodDefinition() = m.GetGenericMethodDefinition() then
let targs = template.GetGenericArguments() |> Array.toList
let margs = m.GetGenericArguments() |> Array.toList

let zip = targs margs

let args = zip |> List.filter(fun (l,r) -> l.IsGenericParameter) |> (fun (_,a) -> a)

Some args
elif template = m then
Some []

let (|MethodQuote|_|) (e : Expr) (mi : MethodInfo) =
let m = tryGetMethodInfo e
match m with
| Some m -> match compareMethods m mi with
| Some a -> MethodQuote(a) |> Some
| None -> None
| _ -> None

let (|Create|_|) (c : ConstructorInfo) =
Create(c.DeclaringType, c.GetParameters() |> Seq.toList) |> Some
| _ -> false

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